Source: php-symfony-mercure Section: php Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers Uploaders: David Prévot Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-sequence-phpcomposer, php-symfony-deprecation-contracts, php-symfony-event-dispatcher, php-symfony-http-client, php-symfony-http-foundation, php-symfony-http-kernel, php-symfony-stopwatch, php-symfony-web-link, php-twig, phpab, phpunit Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: php-symfony-mercure Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${phpcomposer:Debian-require} Suggests: ${phpcomposer:Debian-suggest} Recommends: ${phpcomposer:Debian-recommend} Replaces: ${phpcomposer:Debian-replace} Breaks: ${phpcomposer:Debian-conflict}, ${phpcomposer:Debian-replace} Provides: ${phpcomposer:Debian-provide} Description: publisher part of the Mercure Protocol The ${phpcomposer:description} implements the "publisher" part of the Mercure Protocol. . Mercure is a protocol allowing to push data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful to publish real-time updates of resources served through web APIs, to reactive web and mobile apps. . Symfony is a PHP framework, a set of tools and a development methodology.