#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk TWIG_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM) | sed -r 's/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/') %: dh $@ execute_after_dh_auto_build: # php-twig-doc sphinx-build -C \ -b html \ -D source_suffix='.rst' \ -D master_doc='index' \ -D project='php-twig-doc' \ -D copyright='by the Twig Team' \ -D version='${TWIG_VERSION}' \ -D release='$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)' \ -D pygments_style='sphinx' \ -D html_theme='default' \ doc debian/build-tmp/php-twig-doc # php-twig phpabtpl --basedir src composer.json > debian/autoload.php.tpl phpab \ --output src/autoload.php \ --template debian/autoload.php.tpl \ src # php-twig testsuite mkdir --parents vendor Twig/Extra phpabtpl \ --require psr/container \ --require symfony/phpunit-bridge \ --require erusev/parsedown \ --require league/commonmark \ --require league/html-to-markdown \ --require twig/twig \ --require-file ../extra/twig-extra-bundle/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/cache-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/cssinliner-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/html-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/inky-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/intl-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/markdown-extra/autoload.php \ --require-file ../extra/string-extra/autoload.php \ > debian/autoload.tests.php.tpl phpab --output vendor/autoload.php \ --template debian/autoload.tests.php.tpl \ tests extra/*/Tests # Mimic install path ln -s src Twig ln -s ../../extra/cache-extra Twig/Extra/Cache ln -s ../../extra/cssinliner-extra Twig/Extra/CssInliner ln -s ../../extra/html-extra Twig/Extra/Html ln -s ../../extra/inky-extra Twig/Extra/Inky ln -s ../../extra/intl-extra Twig/Extra/Intl ln -s ../../extra/markdown-extra Twig/Extra/Markdown ln -s ../../extra/string-extra Twig/Extra/String ln -s ../../extra/twig-extra-bundle Twig/Extra/TwigExtraBundle # php-twig extra # Parts from the symfony package’s debian/rules. mkdir --parents debian/packages_to_build debian/autoloaders # Walk through the parts of upstream's code that should be packaged into # separate Debian binary packages and write down a package-to-build info # file containing shell variables for each package. # Those files will be traverse later on in different targets of this # makefile (debian/rules). They solely exists to not repeat the extraction # of those variables in each of those target over and over again. # Then, build a class loader for the package, using the template in # debian/$deb_pkg_name.autoload.php.tpl if it exists (to load dependencies). set -e;\ for src_path in $$(find -L Twig/Extra/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do \ if [ -e $$src_path/composer.json ]; then \ deb_pkg_name=php-$$(cat $$src_path/composer.json | jq -r '.name | tostring' | sed -r 's|/|-|'); \ if [ $$(grep -c -E -e "^Package: $$deb_pkg_name\$$" debian/control) -ne 1 ]; then \ echo "W: No Debian package '$$deb_pkg_name' defined in debian/control," 1>&2; \ echo " therefor not considering Symfony $$src_path," 1>&2; \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "# This file contains some variables sourced" > debian/packages_to_build/$$deb_pkg_name; \ echo "# by various targets in debian/rules" >> debian/packages_to_build/$$deb_pkg_name; \ echo "deb_pkg_name='$$deb_pkg_name'" >> debian/packages_to_build/$$deb_pkg_name; \ echo "src_path='$$src_path'" >> debian/packages_to_build/$$deb_pkg_name; \ echo "twig $${deb_pkg_name#php-twig-} $$src_path/autoload.php" > debian/autoloaders/$$deb_pkg_name; \ phpabtpl --basedir $$src_path $$src_path/composer.json > debian/$$deb_pkg_name.autoload.php.tpl; \ phpab \ --blacklist '*\\tests\\*' \ --output $$src_path/autoload.php \ --template debian/$$deb_pkg_name.autoload.php.tpl \ $$src_path; \ fi; \ done override_dh_auto_test: SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak phpunit # testsuite for extra packages set -e; \ for package_info_file in $$(find debian/packages_to_build/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f); do \ . $$package_info_file; \ if [ -f $$src_path/phpunit.xml.dist ]; then \ LC_ALL=en_US SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak phpunit \ --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php \ --configuration $$src_path/phpunit.xml.dist \ $$src_path; \ fi; \ done override_dh_install: dh_install --package=php-twig --package=php-twig-doc -X/Extra/ # In debian/packages_to_build/ a file containing shell variables exists # for each package that should be build. Source one file after another # to make the shell variables available and run dh_install in order to # provide the PHP runtime code for each package. set -e; \ for package_info_file in $$(find debian/packages_to_build/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f); do \ . $$package_info_file; \ dh_install --package=$$deb_pkg_name \ debian/autoloaders/$$deb_pkg_name usr/share/pkg-php-tools/autoloaders; \ dh_install \ -X.md \ -Xcomposer.json \ -XLICENSE \ -Xphpunit.xml.dist \ -XTests \ -Xvar \ --package=$$deb_pkg_name \ $$src_path/* \ usr/share/php/$$src_path/; \ done override_dh_phpcomposer: dh_phpcomposer --package=php-twig # In debian/packages_to_build/ a file containing shell variables exists # for each package that should be build. Source one file after another # to make the shell variables available and run dh_phpcomposer for each # package. set -e;\ for package_info_file in $$(find debian/packages_to_build/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f); do \ . $$package_info_file; \ dh_phpcomposer --package=$$deb_pkg_name --sourcedirectory=$$src_path; \ done