pius (3.0.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium * d/control: b-d on python3-setuptool. (Closes: #1080702) * d/control: update homepage. * d/control: Standards-Version update to 4.7.0. No changes required. -- Louis-Philippe Véronneau Fri, 04 Oct 2024 17:10:19 -0400 pius (3.0.0-7) unstable; urgency=medium * d/patches: add 0003 to use more modern gpg defaults. (Closes: #1058702) * d/control: replace custom autopkgtest by autopkgtest-pkg-pybuild. -- Louis-Philippe Véronneau Sat, 06 Jan 2024 23:04:33 -0500 pius (3.0.0-6) unstable; urgency=medium * d/watch: update to github API. * d/control: Standards-Version update to 4.6.2. No changes required. -- Louis-Philippe Véronneau Tue, 13 Jun 2023 17:14:50 -0400 pius (3.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Adopt package and maintain it in the Debian Python Team. * d/patches: cherry-pick 0002 from upstream HEAD. (Closes: #989031) * d/pybuild.testfiles: add test file manually so unittest discovers it. * d/tests: run unit tests as autopkgtest. * d/control: Standards-Version update to 4.6.1. No changes. * d/watch: update to v4 syntax. -- Louis-Philippe Véronneau Fri, 19 Aug 2022 16:02:46 -0400 pius (3.0.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Orphan. * Point Vcs fields to 'debian' namespace on Salsa. -- Felix Lechner Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:52:50 -0700 pius (3.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Cherry-pick commit 4fcd97c5 from upstream. (Closes: #997010) * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0. * Provide d/salsa-ci.yml to enable the standard Salsa CI pipeline. -- Felix Lechner Tue, 02 Nov 2021 20:33:42 -0700 pius (3.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix build dependencies (Closes: #948935) * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1 -- Felix Lechner Tue, 21 Jan 2020 20:56:28 -0800 pius (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release - Uses python3 (Closes: #937294) * Bump debhelper to 12; using debhelper-compat in d/control * Remove d/compat * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0 * Use python3 helpers in d/rules * Use python3 dependencies in d/control * Remove old python3 patch -- Felix Lechner Wed, 11 Sep 2019 17:37:29 -0700 pius (2.2.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Revert to python2 (Closes: #905101) * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no -- Felix Lechner Tue, 31 Jul 2018 09:08:04 -0700 pius (2.2.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release (Closes: #873741) * Set Build-Depends: and Depends: to python3 and friends (Closes: #902328) * Removed X-Python-Version: * Set Depends: gnupg (>= 2) (Closes: #864431) * Switched to upstream manpages (submitted from Debian) * Set Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/lechner-guest/pius * Set Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/lechner-guest/pius.git * Switched to secure URI in copyright * Set Priority: optional (from extra) * Set Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11) * Set compat to 11 * Set Standards-Version: 4.1.5 -- Felix Lechner Tue, 10 Jul 2018 22:35:42 -0700 pius (2.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * New maintainer email address -- Felix Lechner Tue, 28 Feb 2017 17:21:40 -0800 pius (2.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release -- Felix Lechner Mon, 16 Jan 2017 22:33:30 -0800 pius (2.2.2+git20161015.891687c-1) unstable; urgency=high * Pulled most recent sources from GitHub master (Closes: #847407) -- Felix Lechner Sat, 10 Dec 2016 21:36:55 -0800 pius (2.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Created manpage for pius-report(1) * Created manpage for pius-keyring-mgr(1) * Created manpage for pius-party-worksheet(1) * Edited man page for pius(1) * Patched 'pius' script to add help text * Shortened long lines in description * Changed debian/compat to 10 * Modified 'rules' to use standard debhelper functions -- Felix Lechner Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:21:19 -0800 pius (2.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version * New maintainer (Closes: #845284) * Updated Standards-Version: to 3.9.8 * Requiring debhelper >= 10 * Shipping new tool 'pius-report' * Fixed documentation related to '-S' in manpage (Closes: #813346) * Documented new pius option '--force-signer * Pointed watch at upstream Git * Updated upstream signing key * Removed Vcs-Git: and Vcs-Browser: in control * Added new maintainer in copyright notice * Changed description in control file -- Felix Lechner Fri, 25 Nov 2016 05:46:55 -0800 pius (2.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches: - progress_pinentry_launched: Added from upstream to fix pius with new versions of GnuPG (closes: #805649). - typos,typos: Refreshed. -- David Martínez Moreno Fri, 20 Nov 2015 16:10:17 -0800 pius (2.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - The big change is that now GnuPG 2.x is the default and support for 1.x is deprecated, to be removed in a later release. - Significantly refactored code into more classes. - Added pius-report, a utility for verifying if keys have been signed after a party. - Changed the default mode to use gpg-agent. * debian/control: - No news about Luke Cycon, so remove him from Uploaders. Thanks for your work, and feel free to return at any point! - Added X-Python-Version. - Added gnupg2 and prepare a NEWS file for hinting about the migration. - Moved the section to utils. * debian/NEWS: Added. * debian/docs: Adjusted for the new names. -- David Martínez Moreno Sat, 10 Oct 2015 02:23:08 -0700 pius (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release: - This version moves to always using long keyids internally for security. We recommend setting keyid-format long in your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf. - This release also includes a variety of bugfixes and some significant code refactoring. - pius-party-worksheet has been fixed (closes: #766217). * debian/patches/01_typos,typos: Refreshed. * debian/control: - Moved Luke Cycon to Uploaders, after 5 years without any news from him, and take over as Maintainer. - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes). - Added dh-python to Build-Depends. * debian/watch: Added. * debian/upstream: Added Phil's GPG key to validate pius' releases. -- David Martínez Moreno Wed, 29 Jul 2015 01:53:58 -0700 pius (2.0.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version (closes: #681939): - Added pius-keyring-mgr, a new utility for managing keyrings, mostly useful for party organizers. - Added pius-party-worksheet. Previously this was offered on the site, but not as part of this package. Generates party worksheets. - Skip expired UIDs and JPG UIDs. - Made the mail library more robust and switch by default to TLS. - Tons of other fixes for uncommon configs. * debian/control: - Add myself as an Uploader. - Add Alioth git repo. - Depend on dh 9. - Add proper dependencies for dh_python2. * debian/install: Install the two new utilities. * debian/compat: Bump it to 9. * debian/pius.1: Update the man page. Thanks, Philipp Matthias Hahn (closes: #602588). Fixed some additional typos on top of that. * debian/patches/01_typos,typos.patch: Added to fix Phil's lovely typos. * debian/rules: Added --with python2. * debian/docs: Added README.keyring-mgr. * debian/copyright: Rewrote it from scratch in DEP-5 format, dropped the "exception" (it's not such an exception but just a confirmation that he wants just GPL-2, not a later one.) Dropped the Lintian overrides too. -- David Martínez Moreno Tue, 08 Apr 2014 11:51:54 -0700 pius (2.0.7-2) unstable; urgency=low * Add README to debian/docs (Closes: #592304) - Thanks to Eric Dorland for noticing its absence * Bump Standards-Version: No changes. -- Luke Cycon Sun, 08 Aug 2010 23:04:01 -0700 pius (2.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #573784) -- Luke Cycon Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:27:51 -0800