Source: proj-ps-doc Section: doc Priority: optional Maintainer: Peter S Galbraith Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0) Standards-Version: 3.7.2 Package: proj-ps-doc Architecture: all Suggests: proj Description: PostScript docs for cartographic projection filters and library Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . The package is the documentation in PostScript format for the proj package.