#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export DH_GOLANG_INSTALL_EXTRA := cmd/postgres_exporter/tests/ BUILDDIR := $(CURDIR)/build BUILDTAGS := BUILDFLAGS = -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -ldflags \ " -X main.Version=$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)" %: dh $@ --buildsystem=golang --with=golang \ --builddirectory=$(BUILDDIR) BINNAME := $(DEB_SOURCE) WHATIS := "$(BINNAME) \\- Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL" override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build -- $(BUILDFLAGS) # Rename the binary to match the debian package. cp -v $(BUILDDIR)/bin/postgres_exporter $(BUILDDIR)/bin/$(BINNAME) build/bin/$(BINNAME) --help-man > build/$(BINNAME).1 # Remove build user/build date/go version headers, which is ugly. sed -i -e '/^ /d' build/$(BINNAME).1 # Fix whatis entry. sed -i '/^.SH "NAME"/,+1c.SH "NAME"\n'$(WHATIS) build/$(BINNAME).1 # Remove default values as they create unwieldy long lines. sed -i 's/\\fB--\(.*\)=".*"\\fR/\\fB--\1\\fR/' build/$(BINNAME).1 override_dh_auto_install: