#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # get Octave paths include /usr/share/octave/debian/defs.make # get Matlab paths include /usr/share/matlab/debian/defs.make srcpkg = $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Source:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2,2) debver = $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | grep '^Version:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2,2 ) uver = $(shell echo $(debver) | sed -e 's,-[^-]*$$,,g' ) uver_nondfsg = $(shell echo $(uver) | sed -e 's,.dfsg[0-9]*,,g') # Directories which are created/populated/cleanedup BDIRS=Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Octave3LinuxFiles Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/PsychPlugins \ Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Octave4LinuxFiles64 Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Octave4LinuxFiles OCT_SHAREDDIR=debian/psychtoolbox-3-common/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3 OCT_LIBDIR=debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3/usr/lib/psychtoolbox-3 export LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed # Critical for building on machines with multiarch support # (e.g. ubuntu 11.04) GLIB_INCLUDES=$(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) GST_INCLUDES=$(shell pkg-config --cflags gstreamer-1.0) GLEW_VERSION=$(shell pkg-config --modversion glew) # Upstream advises to build without optimization at the moment export CXXFLAGS=-Wall -g -O0 export CFLAGS=-Wall -g -O0 -std=gnu99 $(GLIB_INCLUDES) $(GST_INCLUDES) # Let's use "advanced" bash patterns export SHELL=/bin/bash %: dh $@ --with quilt --buildsystem=makefile override_dh_quilt_patch: dpkg --compare-versions $(GLEW_VERSION) lt 999.1.11.0 \ || { echo "I: system GLEW is $(GLEW_VERSION). Thus adding a use_system_GLEW patch"; \ echo 'deb_use_system_GLEW' >> debian/patches/series; \ echo "I: moving copy of glew.c aside"; \ find -iname glew.c | while read f; do mv $$f $${f}__; done; } dh_quilt_patch override_dh_quilt_unpatch: dh_quilt_unpatch dpkg --compare-versions $(GLEW_VERSION) lt 1.11.0 \ || { find -iname glew.c__ | while read f; do mv $$f $${f//__/}; done; \ sed -i -e '/deb_use_system_GLEW/d' debian/patches/series; } # Build all extensions, but: # 4 - libeyelink -- non-distributable binary blob with open-sourced API # 12 - PsychOculusVRCore.mex -- oculus VR stuff # 13 - ARM only for RPi, needs libwiringpi-dev override_dh_auto_build: build-stamp build-stamp: mkdir -p $(BDIRS) cd PsychSourceGL/Source/; \ sed -n -e 's,if mode *== *\([0-9]*\).*,\1,gp' linuxmakeit64.m \ | grep -v -E '^(4|12|13)$$' \ | while read mode; do \ octave -p $(CURDIR)/Psychtoolbox/PsychOneliners -q --eval "linuxmakeitoctave3($$mode)" || exit 1; \ done : # Manually build OpenGL text renderer extension cd PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/FTGLTextRenderer; \ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -I. -I/usr/include/ -I/usr/include/freetype2/ \ -L/usr/lib -pie -shared -fPIC \ -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions \ -Wl,--version-script=linuxexportlist.txt \ -o libptbdrawtext_ftgl.so.1 \ libptbdrawtext_ftgl.cpp qstringqcharemulation.cpp OGLFT.cpp \ -lGL -lGLU -lfontconfig -lfreetype : # Manually build tcp_udp_ip toolbox's extension cd ./Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/iViewXToolbox/tcp_udp_ip; \ octave -q --eval "mex pnet.c"; [ -f pnet.mex ] install --mode=0644 PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/FTGLTextRenderer/libptbdrawtext_ftgl.so.1 \ Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/PsychPlugins install -T --mode=0644 managementtools/WelcomeSplash-dfsg.ppm ./Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/WelcomeSplash.ppm touch $@ override_dh_auto_test: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) : # Smoke test some Demos and Tests -- some are excluded for various reasons : # image would be needed for one of the demos cd Psychtoolbox/PsychDemos/PsychTutorials/; ln -sf ../konijntjes1024x768*.jpg . cd Psychtoolbox/PsychTests/; ln -sf ../PsychDemos/konijntjes1024x768*.jpg . : # Run tests with fake HOME so ptb-3 could write its things mkdir -p tests-home; export HOME=$(CURDIR)/tests-home; \ find Psychtoolbox/PsychDemos Psychtoolbox/PsychTests -type f -iname *.m \ | grep -v -e "FAILURES DUE TO ABSENT FUNCTIONALITY IN TEST ENVIRONMENT" \ -e Contents -e Stereo -e Serial -e PsychCV \ -e Cedrus -e BitsPlus -e Kinect -e GPGPU -e DualHeads -e DaqTest \ -e Matlab -e FitCumNormYNTest -e OSAUCSTest -e FitGammaPow -e FitGammaDemo \ -e DirectInputMonitoringTest -e PosterBatchAnalyzeTimestamps \ -e OldNewReco -e AlphaImageDemo/[^A] \ -e ClutAnimDemo -e MinimumMotionExp -e AdditiveBlendingForLinearSuperpositionTutorial \ -e ImagingVideoCaptureDemo -e AudioTunnel3DDemo \ -e DetectionRTInVideoDemo \ -e VideoRecordingDemo -e PlayMoviesDemo -e PlayInterlacedMovieDemo \ -e ErrorCatchDemo -e MovieDemo\.m -e VideoTextureExtractionDemo \ -e VideoCapture \ -e DatarecordingFromISCANDemo -e PsychRTBoxDemo \ -e BlurredMipmapDemo \ -e Tests.*Timing -e HIDIntervalTest \ -e HighPrecisionLuminanceOutputDrivers -e HIDTest \ -e SyncedCLUTUpdateTest -e GetSecsTest -e ConvolutionKernelTest \ -e OSSchedulingAccuracyTest -e PTBAndVSETColorimetryTest \ -e LoadGenerator \ | grep -v -e "REQUIRE SOUND I/O (more in above list)" \ -e Sound -e Audio -e BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo -e SimpleVoiceTriggerDemo \ -e KeyboardLatencyTest \ -e LoadMovieIntoTexturesDemo -e PlayMoviesWithoutGapDemo2 \ | grep -v -e "REQUIRE USER INPUT (more in the first list (TODO))" \ -e RenderDemo -e CalDemo -e KbDemo -e KbQueueDemo \ | grep -v -e "REQUIRE TOO LONG TO COMPLETE (and otherwise doesn't exit)" \ -e QuestTest \ | grep -v -e "KNOWN FAILURES TO BE FIXED (more in the first list (TODO))" \ -e PlayMoviesWithoutGapDemo1 \ -e FitWeibull.*Test -e DeinterlacerTest -e FitConeFundamentalsTest \ -e AlphaMultiplicationTest -e MinExpEntStairDemo \ | grep -v -e "REQUIRE SOME ADDITIONAL CMDLINE TOOLS AND SPECIAL HW" \ -e PTBAndIsetbioColorimetryTest \ | xargs debian/run_tests || echo "TESTS FAILED" # -e MovieDemos \ : # Cleanup find -iname MLIexpSubj11.txt -delete find -type f -name core -delete else : # Skip unittests due to nocheck endif override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install : # to guarantee -common existance for arch-dep builds only: mkdir -p $(OCT_SHAREDDIR) rsync -a --exclude=*.o ./Psychtoolbox/ $(OCT_SHAREDDIR) : # Move .mex to reside alongside with .m to gain easy help in octave mv $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/PsychBasic/Octave3LinuxFiles/* $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/PsychBasic : # But PsychHID must go into PsychHardware alongside with .m mv $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/PsychBasic/PsychHID.mex $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/PsychHardware rmdir $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/PsychBasic/Octave3LinuxFiles : # Move .mex binaries under /usr/lib and create symlinks file to point back mkdir -p $(OCT_LIBDIR) cp debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3.links.in debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3.links find $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/ -iname \*.mex | while read f; do \ fn=$$(basename $$f); ds=$$(dirname $$f); \ dl=$$(echo $$ds | sed -e 's,psychtoolbox-3-common,octave-psychtoolbox-3,g' -e 's,/share/,/lib/,g'); \ echo "I: Moving $$f under $$dl"; \ mkdir -p $$dl; \ mv $$f $$dl; \ echo "/usr/lib$${f#*usr/share} /usr$${f#*usr}" >> debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3.links; \ done cp debian/psychtoolbox-3-lib.links.in debian/psychtoolbox-3-lib.links find $(OCT_SHAREDDIR)/ -iname \*.so* -o -iname \*.a | while read f; do \ fn=$$(basename $$f); ds=$$(dirname $$f); \ dl=$$(echo $$ds | sed -e 's,psychtoolbox-3-common,psychtoolbox-3-lib,g' -e 's,/share/,/lib/,g'); \ echo "I: Moving $$f under $$dl"; \ mkdir -p $$dl; \ mv $$f $$dl; \ echo "/usr/lib$${f#*usr/share} /usr$${f#*usr}" >> debian/psychtoolbox-3-lib.links; \ done : # Filter out duplicate licenses etc find debian/ -iname 3Dlabs-License.txt -o \ -iname COPYING -o \ -iname *license.txt | xargs -r rm : # Filter out some scripts which aren't pertitent to Debian systems find debian/ -iname simplepsychtoolboxsetup.sh -o -iname setupdate.sh | xargs -r rm find debian/ -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*/(Update|Setup|Download)Psychtoolbox\..*' -delete : # Remove unreproducible files find debian/ -name octave-workspace | xargs -r rm override_dh_makeshlibs: dh_makeshlibs : # Provide Octave:Depends, do it in backports friendly way if hash dh_octave_substvar; then \ dh_octave_substvar -poctave-psychtoolbox-3; \ elif hash octave-depends; then \ octave-depends; \ else \ echo 'octave:Depends=octave (>= 3.4.3-1~)' >> debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3.substvars; \ fi #override_dh_fixperms: # dh_fixperms override_dh_strip: dh_strip --dbg-package=psychtoolbox-3-dbg override_dh_shlibdeps: @: # octave will take care of proper deps for extensions -- no need to scan @: # them and warn all the time dh_shlibdeps -l$(shell octave-config --print OCTLIBDIR) : # Manually remove executable bit for everything not to be executed (e.g. .mex .m .so.*) @: # needs to be done post dh_strip,dh_shlibdeps so that .mex are found by dh_strip, dh_shlibdeps # find debian/ -regextype posix-egrep \ # -regex '.*\.(c|jpg|vert|frag|xml|html|hiro|kanji|mat|m|txt|mex|so(|\..*))' \ # -perm /+x -print0 \ @: # strip from all files since we do not have any real executable there find debian/ -ipath '*psych*/usr/*' -perm /+x -type f ! -iname ATIRadeonperf_Linux -print0 \ | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chmod a-x override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs debian/changelog.upstream override_dh_clean: $(MAKE) -C PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/PortAudio clean || : dh_clean rm -f ./Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/WelcomeSplash.ppm rm -rf build-stamp build : # Manually remove additional trash find Psych* -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*\.(o|mex|so(|\..*))' -delete -rmdir $(BDIRS) : # Prune some Debian generated files rm -f debian/octave-psychtoolbox-3.links debian/psychtoolbox-3-lib.links debian/changelog.upstream: git log --merges remotes/origin/beta >| $@ get-orig-source: debian/changelog.upstream @echo "I: Exporting free portion of `git describe dfsg`"; \ git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(srcpkg)-$(uver)/ dfsg | \ gzip -9 > $(srcpkg)_$(uver).orig.tar.gz # Fetch all those binary blobs to go into non-free binaries packages get-orig-source-nonfree: @beta_merge_base=$$(git merge-base origin/beta HEAD); \ ofile=$(srcpkg)-nonfree_$(uver_nondfsg).orig.tar.gz; \ echo "I: Exporting non-free portion of `git describe --tags $$beta_merge_base` to $$ofile"; \ git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(srcpkg)-nonfree-$(uver_nondfsg)/ $$beta_merge_base -- \ ./Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/*.mexa64 \ ./Psychtoolbox/PsychJava/GetCharJava.class \ ./PsychSourceGL/Cohorts/libwaffle/libwaffle*.so* \ ./Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/Octave5LinuxFiles64/{Eyelink,Datapixx}.mex \ | gzip -9 > $$ofile;