This package was debianized by Atsuhito KOHDA on Tue, 7 Nov 2000 15:07:50 +0900. It was downloaded from Copyright: LEGAL NOTICE Note: the official copyright notice is written in Japanese and can be found in the file called "copyright.ja". The governing language of this notice shall be Japanese, and any translation into any other language shall be solely for the convenience. 0. In this notice, the "Software" represents a part of the Japanese TeX distribution that is concerned with Japanese support developed by ASCII Co. 1. ASCII Co. retains copyright of the Japanese translation of the Software. 2. Use of the Software in any form is permitted provided that it is not for profit-making (e.g. collecting tolls for using the Software). ASCII Co. shall not be liable for any damages caused by using the Software, whether direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, under any circumstances whatsoever. 3. Copy and redistribution of the Japanese translation of the Software is permitted provided that it is not for commercial purpose. 4. Modification of a part of the Japanese translation of the Software is permitted provided that you notify ASCII Co. of your modification. You shall not release your modification to public without prior approval of ASCII Co. Redistribution of the modified version of the Software is permitted provided that the receiver can easily restore it to the original. Translation by Masayuki Hatta