#!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE = 1 export PYBUILD_NAME=pyensembl # See d/tests/control for why the following tests are ignored: export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS = -v \ -k 'not test_download_cache.py \ and not test_gene_ids.py \ and not test_gene_names.py \ and not test_gene_objects.py \ and not test_id_length.py \ and not test_search.py \ and not test_serialization.py \ and not test_transcript_ids.py \ and not test_transcript_objects.py \ and not test_contigs.py \ and not test_exon_id.py \ and not test_exon_object.py \ and not test_string_representation.py \ and not test_timings.py \ and not test_transcript_sequences.py \ and not test_transcript_support_level.py' %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_auto_clean: dh_auto_clean rm -f pyensembl.egg-info/SOURCES.txt pyensembl.egg-info/requires.txt override_dh_install: dh_install find debian -name requirements.txt -delete