#!/usr/bin/make -f export DH_VERBOSE=1 export PYBUILD_NAME=pyfai export PYBUILD_AFTER_INSTALL=rm -rf {destdir}/usr/bin/ export POCL_CACHE_DIR=$(CURDIR)/.cache/ export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$(POCL_CACHE_DIR) # to remove once the pocl bug is solved # https://github.com/silx-kit/pyFAI/issues/1319 export PYFAI_OPENCL=False # get the default python3 interpreter version PY3VER := $(shell py3versions -dv) %: dh $@ --with python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -f $(patsubst %.pyx,%.c,$(wildcard pyFAI/ext/*.pyx)) rm -rf doc/build/html rm -rf build/man rm -rf *.egg-info rm -f all_testimage.json fai_cfg.json lima_cfg.json profile.log rm -rf $(POCL_CACHE_DIR) override_dh_auto_build-arch: mkdir -p $(POCL_CACHE_DIR) # create POCL cachedir in order to avoid an FTBFS in sbuild dh_auto_build override_dh_auto_build-indep: override_dh_auto_build-arch mkdir -p $(POCL_CACHE_DIR) # create POCL cachedir in order to avoid an FTBFS in sbuild dh_auto_build -- -s custom -p $(PY3VER) --build-args="PYTHONPATH={build_dir} xvfb-run -a --server-args=\"-screen 0 1024x768x24\" {interpreter} setup.py build_man" override_dh_auto_test: export http_proxy= override_dh_auto_test: export https_proxy= override_dh_auto_test: mkdir -p $(POCL_CACHE_DIR) # create POCL cachedir in order to avoid an FTBFS in sbuild dh_auto_test -- -s custom --test-args="PYTHONPATH={build_dir} WITH_QT_TEST=False PYFAI_TESTIMAGES=testimages PYFAI_DATA=$(shell pwd) xvfb-run -a --server-args=\"-screen 0 1024x768x24\" {interpreter} ./run_tests.py -v --low-mem --installed" override_dh_install: dh_numpy3 # install scripts into pyfai python3 setup.py install_scripts -d debian/pyfai/usr/bin # Finally install stuff dh_install override_dh_installman: dh_installman -p pyfai build/man/*.1 override_dh_sphinxdoc-indep: export http_proxy= override_dh_sphinxdoc-indep: export https_proxy= override_dh_sphinxdoc-indep: ifeq (,$(findstring nodoc, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) dh_auto_build -- -s custom -p $(PY3VER) --build-args="cd doc && env PYTHONPATH={build_dir} {interpreter} -m sphinx -N -bhtml source build/html" dh_installdocs "doc/build/html" -p python-pyfai-doc dh_sphinxdoc -O--buildsystem=pybuild endif override_dh_strip: ifeq (,$(filter nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) dh_strip -ppython3-pyfai --dbg-package=python3-pyfai-dbg endif