pyfribidi (0.11.0+repack-3) unstable; urgency=low [ Jakub Wilk ] * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields. * Remove DM-Upload-Allowed; it's no longer used by the archive software. [ Ondřej Nový ] * Fixed VCS URL (https) * d/control: Set Vcs-* to * d/control: Deprecating priority extra as per policy 4.0.1 * d/watch: Use https protocol * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces [ أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) ] * Remove Baruch from uploaders (Closes: #760000) * Updated standards version to 4.1.5 * Bumped compat level to 11 * Remove trailing whitespace -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:37:00 +0200 pyfribidi (0.11.0+repack-1) unstable; urgency=low * Repack pyfribidi to remove convenience copy of fribidi library. (Closes: #671321) -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Sat, 12 May 2012 10:14:14 +0200 pyfribidi (0.11.0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) ] * New upstream release. (Closes: #663189) * debian/control: Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.3 * Bumped compat level to 9. * Removed all patches as they are no longer needed. * debian/watch: Added pypi URL. * Removed debian/source.lintian-overrides * Updated debian/python-pyfribidi.install [ Piotr Ożarowski ] * DM-Upload-Allowed set to yes -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Sat, 10 Mar 2012 10:43:02 +0200 pyfribidi (0.10.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Add base_type.diff patch to fix the format corresponding to 'base' argument (long -> unsigned int) (Closes: #642743) -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:13:43 +0200 pyfribidi (0.10.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Bumped compat level to 8 * debian/control: + Updated my email address + Bumped debhelper Build-Dep to 8 + Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.2 * Switch to dh_python2 + debian/control: - Drop python-support from Build-Deps - Bumped python-all Build-Dep to (>= 2.6.6-3~) - Removed XB-Python-Version and XS-Python-Version lines. + debian/rules: - added --with python2 to dh call. - No need to move pyshared to pymodules -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Sun, 10 Jul 2011 05:52:37 +0200 pyfribidi (0.10.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Added python-pyfribidi-dbg package. * debian/rules: + pass --buildsystem= instead of -S to dh, as a workaround for bug #570039. + Override dh_auto_test to run * Added patch buffer_overflow.diff to create an output buffer that assumes 4-byte sequences for all Unicode characters (Closes: #570068, CVE-2010-3444) * Added patch testbigString.diff to resurrect bigString test that was removed in upstream release 0.8 -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Tue, 16 Feb 2010 22:40:15 +0200 pyfribidi (0.10.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format. * Use dh 7 only and drop CDBS. * Use python-support instead of python-central. * Remove debian/dirs and debian/pycompat. * Added debian/source.lintian-overrides. * debian/control: + Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 + Added ${misc:Depends} to Depends field. + Added myself to uploaders. + Build-Depend on debhelper >= 7.4.13~ to correctly pass -S option to appropriate debhelper scripts. + Build-Depend on libfribidi-dev >= 0.19 + Maintainer changed to Debian Python Module Team with previous maintainer's permission: + Added Vcs-* fields. + Drop Replaces & Conflicts, since last distribution which shipped python2.[34]-pyfribidi packages was sarge. + Enhance extended description. * debian/copyright: updated copyright years & holders. * debian/watch: inspect for .gz & .bz2 archives. -- أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:29:13 +0200 pyfribidi (0.6.0-4.1) unstable; urgency=low * NMU. Rebuild to move files to /usr/share/pyshared. Closes: #490521. -- Matthias Klose Fri, 18 Jul 2008 15:39:47 +0000 pyfribidi (0.6.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Change version number to match upstream's version. * Bump standards-version to 3.7.3 - Fix description-contains-homepage lintian warning. * Bump debhelper compatibility to 5. -- Lior Kaplan Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:44:59 +0200 pyfribidi (0.6-3) unstable; urgency=low * Depend on python-central >= 0.5 as per lintian warning (Closes: #427280) -- Baruch Even Sat, 23 Jun 2007 19:16:02 +0100 pyfribidi (0.6-2) unstable; urgency=low * Complay with the new Python policy (Closes: #373491) * update watch file * upgrade standards-version to 3.7.2 (no changes needed) -- Lior Kaplan Sat, 24 Jun 2006 14:02:09 +0300 pyfribidi (0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Baruch Even Sun, 29 Jan 2006 22:15:39 +0000 pyfribidi (0.3.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Baruch Even Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:01:35 +0000 pyfribidi (0.3.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Baruch Even Thu, 1 Dec 2005 00:33:51 +0000 pyfribidi (0.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release (Closes: #340088) * New upstream release -- Lior Kaplan Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:35:57 +0200 pyfribidi (0.3.1-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low * new upstream version that includes * debian/copyright: update address of FSF -- Stefan Potyra Thu, 17 Nov 2005 00:48:35 +0100 pyfribidi (0.3.0-1ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low * adopted package for ubuntu * build python2.3 and python2.4 packages now * use cdbs instead of plain debhelper -- Stefan Potyra Wed, 16 Nov 2005 22:30:36 +0100 pyfribidi (0.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * FIXME: Allways use fribidi Right-To-Left embedding, for stas -- kobi Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:59:24 +0200 pyfribidi (0.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Tzafrir Cohen: vis2log -> log2vis -- kobi Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:59:24 +0200 pyfribidi (0.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release -- kobi Thu, 10 Nov 2005 00:59:24 +0200