Source: pyjvcprojector Maintainer: Home Assistant Team Uploaders: Edward Betts , Section: python Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-sequence-python3, pybuild-plugin-pyproject, python3-all, python3-setuptools, Build-Depends-Indep: python3-aiodns , python3-pytest , python3-pytest-asyncio , Rules-Requires-Root: no Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Homepage: Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: python3-pyjvcprojector Architecture: all Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python3:Depends}, Description: Library for controlling a JVC Projector over a network connection This library enables interaction with JVC projectors that have a LAN network port. Users can turn the projector on or off, change inputs between HDMI ports, and fetch power status including detailed states like standby, on, warming, cooling, and error. The library also allows sending remote control commands to the projector, which includes navigating menus and adjusting settings. Additionally, it provides functions to read and write various operational commands directly to the projector, making it capable of both basic and advanced controls over network connections.