pylast (2.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ondřej Nový ] * Convert git repository from git-dpm to gbp layout [ Josue Ortega ] * New upstream release (2.4.0) * Bumps Standards-Version to 4.2.1, no changes required. -- Josue Ortega Sat, 29 Sep 2018 11:29:44 -0600 pylast (2.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ondřej Nový ] * d/control: Remove ancient X-Python-Version field [ Josue Ortega ] * New upstream release (2.3.0). * debian/control: - Bumps X-Python3-Version to use >= 3.6 - Bumps Standards-Version to 4.1.5, no changes required. -- Josue Ortega Mon, 30 Jul 2018 17:39:05 +0800 pylast (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release (2.2.0-1). * debian/rules: Removes MacOs directory file. * Bumps Standards-Version from 4.1.3 to 4.1.3, no changes required. -- Josue Ortega Sat, 05 May 2018 18:50:24 -0600 pylast (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ondřej Nový ] * debian/control: Set Vcs-* to * debian/copyright: Use https protocol in Format field [ Josue Ortega ] * New upstream release (2.1.0). * Changes Uploaders field (Closes: #889776). * debian/control: - Adds python{3}-six as dependency. - Bumps Standards-Version to 4.1.3, no changes required. - Bumps X-Python-Version to >= 2.7 and X-Python3-Version to 3.5. * Bumps compat level from 9 to 11. -- Josue Ortega Sun, 25 Feb 2018 19:36:21 -0600 pylast (1.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Stefano Rivera ] * Team upload. * New upstream release. * Bump debhelper compat level to 9. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed. * Bump copyright years. * Update watch file to * Add new Build-Depends: - python{3,}-setuptools. - python{3,}-{flaky,mock,pytest,six} - Upstream is getting the beginnings of a unit test suite. * Clean up test .cache directory. [ Ondřej Nový ] * Fixed homepage (https) * Fixed VCS URL (https) -- Stefano Rivera Tue, 23 Aug 2016 14:36:28 -0700 pylast (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Jakub Wilk ] * Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields. [ Simon Chopin ] * Bump Standard-Version to 3.9.6 + Bump debhelper version dependency to 8.1 * New upstream release + New option to add delay between queries (Closes: #730255) + Remove the README from the docs, removed upstream as well * Change copyright year * Move Homepage to Github * Migrate to pybuild. -- Simon Chopin Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:58:44 +0200 pylast (0.5.11-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #658253) -- Simon Chopin Fri, 03 Feb 2012 21:28:36 +0200