#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=\ --ignore={build_dir}/tests/test_cli.py \ -k "not test_instance \ and not test_links \ and not test_from_file \ and not test_search_max_items_unlimited_default \ and not test_signing \ and not test_sign_with_return_warns \ and not test_get_queryables \ and not test_get_queryables_collections \ and not test_changing_conforms_to_changes_behavior \ and not test_collections_are_clients \ and not test_get_items_without_ids \ and not test_non_recursion_on_fallback \ and not test_instance \ and not test_get_items \ and not test_get_items_with_ids \ and not test_get_item \ and not test_get_item_with_item_search \ and not test_get_queryables \ and not test_localized_datetime_converted_to_utc \ and not test_results \ and not test_ids_results \ and not test_datetime_results \ and not test_intersects_results \ and not test_result_paging \ and not test_result_paging_max_items \ and not test_item_collection \ and not test_deprecations \ and not test_items_as_dicts \ and not test_query_shortcut_syntax \ and not test_query_json_syntax \ and not test_multiple_collections \ and not test_request_input \ and not test_str_input \ and not test_timeout_smoke_test \ and not test_get_collections_without_conformance_fallsback_to_pystac \ and not test_fallback_strategy" %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild