#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=changelogd # Exclude tests that need pytest_subprocess not available in Debian. export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=--ignore=tests/test_entry_computed_values.py --ignore=tests/test_utils.py \ -k 'not test_full_flow \ and not test_partial_releases \ and not test_empty_release \ and not test_init_rst \ and not test_entry_help \ and not test_non_interactive_data[1] \ and not test_non_interactive_data[feature] \ and not test_multi_value_string \ and not test_entry_missing_message_types \ and not test_entry_incorrect_entry_fields \ and not test_user_data \ and not test_init_config' %: dh $@ --with sphinxdoc --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_installdocs: https_proxy='' http_proxy='' sphinx-build -b html docs build/sphinx/html dh_installdocs -ppython-changelogd-doc --doc-main-package=python-changelogd-doc build/sphinx/html dh_installdocs