#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=hypothesmith # Disabled tests # 'test_source_code_from_libcst_node_type' leads to build fail in CI with exit code=143. This occurs because # the system kills the test, mistaking it for infinite loops. However, it is just slow and not in an infinite loop. # 'test_black_autoformatter_from_grammar' fail with python-hypothesis (>=6.99.9). It shows unexpected behavior, # including missing characters, extra spaces, and unexpected characters. It may also be related to 'black' struggling # to format the input properly. Need further investigation. export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=-k 'not test_source_code_from_libcst_node_type and not test_black_autoformatter_from_grammar' %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_auto_test: dh_auto_test for dir in .pybuild/cpython3*; do \ rm -f "$$dir/build/.coverage"; \ done