#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=semantic-release export PYBUILD_TEST_PYTEST=1 export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=-x -k "not test_vcs_helpers.py and not test_current_release_version_should_return_correct_version and not test_cli and not test_config and not test_current_version_should_return_correct_version" %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build $@ --buildsystem=pybuild cd docs; PYTHONPATH=.. make man; PYTHONPATH=.. LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 sphinx-build -bhtml . _build/html override_dh_auto_clean: dh_auto_clean rm -rf docs/api/ docs/_build/ python_semantic_release.egg-info/ override_dh_auto_test: ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) $(eval BUILD_DIR=$(shell pybuild --print '{build_dir}')) for dir in $(BUILD_DIR); do \ cp -r tests $$dir ; \ done dh_auto_test for dir in $(BUILD_DIR); do \ rm -r $$dir/tests ; \ done endif