#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_NAME=urllib3 export PYTHONWARNINGS=d # Use patched hypercorn; see https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/3334 export PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/debian/vendor export PYBUILD_TEST_PYTEST=1 export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=-k "not requires_network and not test_recent_date" export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export CI=1 # Use longer timeouts, see https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/3164 # pybuild exports http_proxy= by default, but that breaks # some tests here and the package doesn't seem to try to connect to the # internet without it. export http_proxy= %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_clean: dh_clean find . -type d -name .pytest_cache -exec rm -rf {} + override_dh_auto_test: PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/debian/vendor dh_auto_test override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs CHANGES.rst