Source: r-bioc-singlecellexperiment Section: gnu-r Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers Uploaders: Steffen Moeller Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Rules-Requires-Root: no Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-r, r-base-dev, r-bioc-summarizedexperiment, r-bioc-s4vectors, r-bioc-biocgenerics, r-bioc-genomicranges, r-bioc-delayedarray Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-r Package: r-bioc-singlecellexperiment Architecture: all Depends: ${R:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: ${R:Recommends} Suggests: ${R:Suggests} Description: S4 Classes for Single Cell Data Defines a S4 class for storing data from single-cell experiments. This includes specialized methods to store and retrieve spike-in information, dimensionality reduction coordinates and size factors for each cell, along with the usual metadata for genes and libraries.