Source: r-cran-blockmodeling Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers Uploaders: Michael R. Crusoe Section: gnu-r Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-r Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~), dh-r, r-base-dev, r-cran-matrix, r-cran-doparallel, r-cran-dorng, r-cran-foreach Standards-Version: 4.3.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Package: r-cran-blockmodeling Architecture: any Depends: ${R:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: ${R:Recommends} Suggests: ${R:Suggests} Description: Generalized and classical blockmodeling of valued networks This R package is primarly meant as an implementation of Generalized blockmodeling for valued networks. In addition, measurese of similarity or dissimilarity based on structural equivalence and regular equivalence (REGE algorithem) can be computed and partitioned matrices can be ploted.