Source: r-cran-lavasearch2 Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers Uploaders: Andreas Tille Section: gnu-r Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-r Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), dh-r, r-base-dev, r-cran-ggplot2, r-cran-lava, r-cran-doparallel, r-cran-mass, r-cran-matrix, r-cran-multcomp, r-cran-mvtnorm, r-cran-nlme, r-cran-rcpp, r-cran-reshape2, r-cran-sandwich, r-cran-rcpparmadillo Standards-Version: 4.5.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: r-cran-lavasearch2 Architecture: any Depends: ${R:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Recommends: ${R:Recommends} Suggests: ${R:Suggests} Description: GNU R tools for model specification in the latent variable framework Tools for model specification in the latent variable framework (add-on to the 'lava' package). The package contains three main functionalities: Wald tests/F-tests with improved control of the type 1 error in small samples, adjustment for multiple comparisons when searching for local dependencies, and adjustment for multiple comparisons when doing inference for multiple latent variable models.