Source: rt-extension-commandbymail Maintainer: Debian Request Tracker Group Uploaders: Andrew Ruthven , Dominic Hargreaves , Section: perl Priority: optional Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) Build-Depends-Indep: libuniversal-require-perl , libmime-tools-perl (>= 5.420) , perl, libmodule-install-authortests-perl, libmodule-install-substitute-perl, libmodule-install-rtx-perl (>= 0.42-1~) Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Homepage: Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: librt-extension-commandbymail-perl Depends: rt4-extension-commandbymail, ${misc:Depends} Architecture: all Section: oldlibs Description: Allow RT status and other commands by email - transitional package This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: rt4-extension-commandbymail Architecture: all Replaces: librt-extension-commandbymail-perl (<< 3.01-4~) Breaks: librt-extension-commandbymail-perl (<< 3.01-4~) Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libuniversal-require-perl, libmime-tools-perl (>= 5.420), request-tracker4 Description: Issue status and other commands by email for Request Tracker 4 CommandByMail allows commands to be sent to Request Tracker 4 in emails. These are similar to those used by debbugs and allow tickets to be closed, reassigned, moved between queues and other commands. Package: rt5-extension-commandbymail Architecture: all Breaks: librt-extension-commandbymail-perl (<< 3.01-4~) Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libuniversal-require-perl, libmime-tools-perl (>= 5.420), request-tracker5 Description: Issue status and other commands by email for Request Tracker 5 CommandByMail allows commands to be sent to Request Tracker 5 in emails. These are similar to those used by debbugs and allow tickets to be closed, reassigned, moved between queues and other commands.