Source: scalable-cyrfonts Maintainer: Anton Zinoviev Section: text Priority: optional Standards-Version: 4.5.0 Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), tar (>=1.13.18), bzip2, fontforge, fonts-urw-base35, zip, tofrodos, xfonts-utils, texlive, texlive-font-utils, tex-common (>= 1.18) Package: t1-cyrillic Architecture: all Description: Basic set of free PostScript fonts This package includes free Type1 fonts for the following font families: Free Times, Free Helvetian, Free Helvetian Condensed, Free Courier, Free Avant Garde, Free Paladin, Free Schoolbook, Free Bookman and Free Chancery. . These fonts cover the Latin1 and Latin2 character sets and partially the most popular Cyrillic character sets. . The fonts look like the fonts in the Adobe basic set of PostScript fonts, but the font names are customized to avoid any trademark infringements. Section: x11 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends} Suggests: xfs (>=4.0) | xserver Conflicts: xbase-clients (<< 4.0), scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Replaces: scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Package: t1-teams Architecture: all Description: Teams -- a PostScript font covering ASCII and basic Cyrillic This is a Type1 font family (with regular, bold, slanted and slanted-bold faces) developed by TopTeam Co. -- a Bulgarian publishing house. They use it to publish their newspapers and magazines. . These fonts cover only the English Latin characters and the Bulgarian and Russian Cyrillic characters. Section: x11 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends} Suggests: xfs (>=4.0) | xserver Conflicts: xbase-clients (<< 4.0), scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Replaces: scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Package: t1-oldslavic Architecture: all Description: OldSlavic -- a Cyrillic Type1 font with medieval design The letters in this font resemble the look of the medieval Cyrillic printed books. . This font is not for general use. It contains only the basic Cyrillic and Latin letters; there are almost no punctuation signs in it. Section: text Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${misc:Depends} Suggests: xfs (>=4.0) | xserver Conflicts: xbase-clients (<< 4.0), scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Replaces: scalable-cyrfonts-x11, scalable-cyrfonts Package: scalable-cyrfonts-tex Architecture: all Description: Scalable Cyrillic fonts for TeX This package installs all needed TeX font metric files, virtual fonts, font definitions and some style packages in order to provide TeX with the following font families: Free Times, Free Helvetian, Free Helvetian Condensed, Free Courier, Free Avant Garde, Free Paladin, Free Schoolbook, Free Bookman, Free Chancery, Teams and OldSlavic. . If you want to have these font families available to X11 and Defoma-aware applications (Ghostscript, Grace, SciGraphica) then please install the packages t1-cyrillic, t1-teams and t1-oldslavic. . In order to make this package functional please read the file /usr/share/doc/scalable-cyrfonts-tex/README.Debian. Section: tex Depends: ${misc:Depends} Suggests: t1-cyrillic, t1-teams, t1-oldslavic