#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- mode: makefile; coding: utf-8 -*- # See also: skimage include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk PY3VER ?= $(shell py3versions -vd) PY3VERS ?= $(shell py3versions -vr) export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS := hardening=+all export DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND := export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND := -Wl,--as-needed ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) JOBS := $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) else JOBS := 1 endif export JOBS := $(JOBS) export JOBLIB_MULTIPROCESSING := $(shell expr $(JOBS) / $(words $(PY3VERS))) # things in the doc building and tests try to access stuff in HOME (https://bugs.debian.org/915078) export HOME=$(CURDIR)/tmp # until the following are fixed: # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/16101 # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/15420 EXCLUDE_TESTS = not test_old_pickle EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_ard_accuracy_on_easy_problem # Some tests are known to fail randomly so need to be excluded ATM ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),arm64) # A bit aggressive exclusion of some tests which exhibit a problem I have no time to deal with on arm64 EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_dump endif # Until this is fixed: # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/16794 ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),ppc64el) EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_precomputed_nearest_neighbors_filtering # This is actually a test generator, so this skips a *lot* of tests EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_common # These are is flaky EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_stacking_cv_influence EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_stacking_with_sample_weight endif # Until these are fixed: # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/16443 # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/13052 ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armhf) EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_check_estimators_stacking_estimator EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_check_estimators_voting_estimator EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_apply_path_readonly_all_trees EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_check_estimator EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_check_estimator_clones EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_check_estimator_pairwise EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_novelty_true_common_tests # This is actually a test generator, so this skips a *lot* of tests EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_common endif # TBD. See https://bugs.debian.org/967977 ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),s390x) EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_gaussian_kde endif ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),alpha) EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_gaussian_kde endif # Same test, but not entirely the same results as above. Assuming same cause ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),ppc64) EXCLUDE_TESTS += and not test_gaussian_kde endif %: dh $@ --with python3,sphinxdoc --buildsystem pybuild %-arch: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem pybuild clean: dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem pybuild override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -rf .pytest_cache build scikit_learn.egg-info tmp -mv PKG-INFO-BAK PKG-INFO rm -f debian/build-stamp-* for i in $$(find -name '*.pyx'); do \ rm -f $${i%.*}.c $${i%.*}.cpp; \ done for i in $$(find -name '*.pyx.in'); do \ rm -f $${i%.*}; \ done ifneq (,$(filter python-sklearn-doc,$(shell dh_listpackages))) +$(MAKE) -C doc clean endif override_dh_auto_configure: mkdir -p tmp -mv PKG-INFO PKG-INFO-BAK python$(PY3VER) setup.py config # dh_auto_configure mv PKG-INFO-BAK PKG-INFO # Ensure sample and test data are copied to .pybuild define PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD for d in tests/data data descr images; do rm -rf {build_dir}/sklearn/datasets/$$d; ln -s {dir}/sklearn/datasets/$$d {build_dir}/sklearn/datasets/$$d; done; endef export PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD # Only with the default Python 3, additionally use pybuild to run # sphinx once the build is complete. ifeq (,$(filter nodoc,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) define PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD_python$(PY3VER) $(PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD) PYTHONPATH={build_dir} \ http_proxy='' \ https_proxy='' \ SPHINXBUILD="python$(PY3VER) -m sphinx" \ $(MAKE) -C doc html SPHINXOPTS="-j $(JOBS)" || true; [ -d doc/_build/html ] endef export PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD_python$(PY3VER) endif override_dh_auto_build-arch: # Don't try to build docs in the arch build, so unset that hook env -u PYBUILD_AFTER_BUILD_python$(PY3VER) \ dh_auto_build export PYBUILD_TEST_PYTEST := 1 export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS_python3 := -m "not network" -v -k "$(EXCLUDE_TESTS)" define PYBUILD_BEFORE_TEST (mv $(CURDIR)/sklearn/conftest.py $(CURDIR)/sklearn/conftest.py.test; \ mv $(CURDIR)/sklearn/datasets/tests/conftest.py $(CURDIR)/sklearn/datasets/tests/conftest.py.test; \ cd {build_dir} && python{version} -c 'import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()') endef export PYBUILD_BEFORE_TEST define PYBUILD_AFTER_TEST (mv $(CURDIR)/sklearn/conftest.py.test $(CURDIR)/sklearn/conftest.py; \ mv $(CURDIR)/sklearn/datasets/tests/conftest.py.test $(CURDIR)/sklearn/datasets/tests/conftest.py) endef export PYBUILD_AFTER_TEST # Nothing to do for indep override_dh_auto_test-indep: export PYBUILD_AFTER_INSTALL = rm -f {destdir}/{install_dir}/_configtest* override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install # cleanup python3 cache (mixing python3 subversions) -find debian/tmp -name "__pycache__" -exec rm -r {} + override_dh_installdocs-arch: dh_installdocs -A README*.rst override_dh_installdocs-indep: dh_installdocs -A README*.rst ifneq (,$(filter python-sklearn-doc,$(shell dh_listpackages))) docdir=debian/python-sklearn-doc/usr/share/doc/python-sklearn-doc; \ if [ -e $$docdir/stable ] ; then \ mv \ $$docdir/stable $$docdir/html; \ fi endif override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs doc/whats_new.rst # remove .so libraries from main package, and call dh_numpy* _dh_python%: -find debian/python$(*:2=)-sklearn/usr/lib -name "*.so" -delete; dh_numpy$(*:2=) -ppython$(*:2=)-sklearn-lib dh_python$* override_dh_python3: _dh_python3 ## immediately useable documentation and exemplar scripts/data override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.py -X.html -X.pdf -X.css -X.jpg -X.txt -X.js -X.json -X.rtc override_dh_sphinxdoc-indep: @# no need to filter out this call, if sphinxdoc is not used it won't be called. dh_sphinxdoc -Xsearchtools.js