Source: sfxr-qt Section: sound Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers Uploaders: Alex Myczko Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), cmake, extra-cmake-modules, libsdl1.2-dev, qtbase5-dev, qtdeclarative5-dev, python3-yaml, python3-jinja2, python3-setuptools, qml-module-qtquick-dialogs Standards-Version: 4.7.0 Rules-Requires-Root: no Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Package: sfxr-qt Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, qml-module-qtquick-extras, qml-module-qtquick-layouts, qml-module-qtquick-dialogs, qml-module-qtquick-controls, qml-module-qtquick-controls2, qml-module-qtquick2, qml-module-qtquick-window2 Description: sound effect generator, QtQuick port of sfxr This little tool was made to provide a simple means of getting basic sound effects into a game. You just need to hit a few buttons in this application to get some largely randomized effects. All the parameters used to create each sound are manually tweakable to allow fine-tuning if you feel like getting your hands dirty.