#!/usr/bin/make -f TMP =$(CURDIR)/debian/sks export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all OCAMLABI = $(shell ocamlc -version) BYTECODE = $(shell [ -x /usr/bin/ocamlopt ] || echo yes) prebuild = $(if $(BYTECODE),bdb/bdb.cma,bdb/bdb.cmxa) all = $(if $(BYTECODE),all.bc,all) OCAMLRUN = $(if $(BYTECODE),ocaml-base-nox-$(OCAMLABI)) export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS += $(if $(BYTECODE)," nostrip",) BDB_VERSION ?= $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-query -l 'libdb[45].[0-9]-dev' | grep ^.i | sed -e 's|.*\s\libdb\([45]\.[0-9]\)-dev\s.*|\1|') %: dh $@ --with=ocaml override_dh_auto_clean: cp debian/Makefile.local ./Makefile.local dh_auto_clean override_dh_auto_build: cp debian/Makefile.local ./Makefile.local make dep # Check that we have a value for BDB_VERSION [ -n "$(BDB_VERSION)" ] echo $(BDB_VERSION) > debian/berkeley_db.txt dh_auto_build -v -- $(prebuild) dh_auto_build -v -- $(all) $(if $(BYTECODE), $(foreach x, sks sks_add_mail, mv $(x).bc $(x);)) chmod a+x sks_build.sh override_dh_auto_install: override_dh_gencontrol: dh_gencontrol -- -Vbdb:Depends="db$(BDB_VERSION)-util"