#!/usr/bin/make -f export PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS=\ -k "not test_assets_v090 \ and not test_assets_v100 \ and not test_assets_on_collection_without_assets_ok \ and not test_core_item_local_v080 \ and not test_core_collection_remote_v090 \ and not test_core_item_local_v090 \ and not test_core_item_local_extensions_v090 \ and not test_core_bad_item_local_v090 \ and not test_core_v1beta1 \ and not test_core_item_local_v1beta2 \ and not test_core_item_local_v1rc1 \ and not test_core_collection_local_v1rc1 \ and not test_core_item_local_v100 \ and not test_custom_item_remote_schema_v080 \ and not test_custom_item_remote_schema_v090 \ and not test_custom_item_local_schema_v090 \ and not test_custom_bad_item_remote_schema_v090 \ and not test_custom_item_remote_schema_v1rc2 \ and not test_custom_proj_error_v1rc2 \ and not test_default_v070 \ and not test_default_v090 \ and not test_default_v1beta1 \ and not test_default_proj_v1b2 \ and not test_default_simple_v1rc2 \ and not test_default_extended_v1rc2 \ and not test_default_catalog_v1rc2 \ and not test_v090 \ and not test_v1beta1 \ and not test_v1beta2 \ and not test_remote_v1rc3 \ and not test_remote_v1rc4 \ and not test_catalog_v1rc2 \ and not test_item_v100 \ and not test_poorly_formatted_v090 \ and not test_item_v100 \ and not test_recursive_lvl_3_v070 \ and not test_recursive_local_v090 \ and not test_recursive_v1beta1 \ and not test_recursive_v1beta2 \ and not test_recursion_collection_local_v1rc1 \ and not test_recursion_collection_local_v1rc2 \ and not test_recursion_collection_local_2_v1rc2 \ and not test_recursion_without_max_depth \ and not test_recursion_with_bad_item \ and not test_recursion_with_missing_collection_link \ and not test_false_sys_exit_error_python \ and not test_validate_dict_catalog_v1rc2 \ and not test_validate_item_collection_in_memory \ and not test_validate_item_collection_remote \ and not test_validate_item_collection_remote_pages \ and not test_core_collection_local_v110 \ and not test_core_item_local_v110 \ and not test_validate_collections_remote \ and not test_correct_validate_dict_return_method \ and not test_header \ and not test_recursion_with_bad_child_collection \ and not test_local_v1rc2 \ and not test_no_extensions_v1beta2 \ and not test_default_collection_validates_extensions" \ -vv $(CURDIR)/tests %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild