#!/usr/bin/make -f # See debhelper(7) (uncomment to enable) # output every command that modifies files on the build system. #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 # Storm does not yet support control-flow hardening measures. In particular, PAC on # ARM. The upcoming X86 one might be also be problematic when enabled down the line. # Ubuntu uses lto flags. This does, however, break the garbage collector in some way # (Storm crashes on startup), and produces interesting compile errors. Disable for now. export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=-branch optimize=-lto # Remove some extra files that gbp buildpackage sometimes fails to clean up on a broken build. # Seems we need to remove the .pc dir to make quilt work well. clean: dh clean rm -f Compiler/COMPILER.version rm -f .mymake rm -rf .pc [ ! -d mps/test/test/script/ntx86bin/ ] || rm -rf mps/test/test/script/ntx86bin/ # We don't need the autotools config etc. # These rules will find some autotools configuration files and configure them. # This is not at all needed, and only makes it much more inconvenient to restore # the repository into a state where we can build from again (e.g. changes inside # submodules). override_dh_update_autotools_config: override_dh_autoreconf: override_dh_auto_configure: # Default rule. %: dh $@