#! /usr/bin/make -f # Place streamlink executable in the correct place right away. export PYBUILD_INSTALL_ARGS_python3 = --install-scripts usr/share/streamlink/ # Disable internet access export http_proxy= export https_proxy= # Provides DEB_VERSION include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk %: dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild # Add LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 to have reproducible builds # sphinx: some strings are localized, see #998059 # lxml: lxml crashes when LC_ALL uses special encodings (running # reprotest would cause a segfault). export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 override_dh_auto_install: PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR)/src make --directory=docs html man dh_auto_install # Explicitly uses CHANGELOG.md instead of docs/changelog.md (the default # file used by dh_installchangelogs) override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs CHANGELOG.md # Needed to prevent docs/changelog.html from being compressed override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.html # Needed to correctly include non-windows dependencies override_dh_python3: dh_python3 --depends-section=':platform_system != "Windows"'