Source: sugar-base Section: oldlibs Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Sugar Team Uploaders: Jonas Smedegaard , Santiago Ruano Rincón Build-Depends: cdbs, autotools-dev, debhelper, dh-buildinfo, python, python-all-dev, python-gtk2-dev, intltool, python-gobject-2-dev | python-gobject-dev, chrpath Standards-Version: 4.1.1 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Package: python-sugar Architecture: any Depends: ${cdbs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: ${cdbs:Recommends} Suggests: ${cdbs:Suggests} Provides: ${cdbs:Provides}, ${python:Provides} Conflicts: ${cdbs:Conflicts} Replaces: ${cdbs:Replaces} Description: Sugar Learning Platform - legacy core functionality Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software. . This package contains some deprecated yet still widely used base modules for Sugar. Please use python-sugar3 instead where possible. . To get prettier tracebacks if things break, install ipython.