Source: svn2cl Section: vcs Priority: extra Maintainer: Arthur de Jong Standards-Version: 3.9.4 Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9) Homepage: Vcs-Svn: Vcs-Browser: Package: svn2cl Architecture: all Depends: subversion (>= 1.5), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, xsltproc Breaks: subversion-tools (<< 1.7.5-1) Replaces: subversion-tools (<< 1.7.5-1) Description: Generate a GNU-style ChangeLog from Subversion repository history This tool generates a classic GNU-style ChangeLog from the log messages in a Subversion repository. It works as a wrapper around the 'svn log' command, parsing the XML output with an XSLT stylesheet. Alternatively it can generate HTML output.