#! /usr/bin/make -f #export DH_VERBOSE = 1 #export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = nostrip export LC_ALL = C.UTF-8 include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk include /usr/share/debhelper/dh_package_notes/package-notes.mk # Make sure that DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS can be used by users to override any options # we set here (By default DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS overrides DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS). export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = optimize=+lto hardening=+pie $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- \ -Dversion-tag="$(VERSION_TAG)" \ -Dmode=release \ -Dkmod-path=/usr/bin/kmod \ -Dmount-path=/usr/bin/mount \ -Dumount-path=/usr/bin/umount \ -Dsupport-url=https://www.debian.org/support \ -Dsystem-uid-max=999 \ -Dsystem-gid-max=999 \ -Dnobody-user=nobody \ -Dnobody-group=nogroup \ -Ddev-kvm-mode=0660 \ -Dgroup-render-mode=0660 \ -Dselinux=enabled \ -Dkmod=enabled \ -Dacl=enabled \ -Dblkid=enabled \ -Dauto_features=disabled \ -Drpmmacrosdir=no \ -Dhwdb=false \ -Dvconsole=false \ -Dfirstboot=false \ -Dwheel-group=false \ -Dsysvinit-path='' \ -Doomd=false \ -Durlify=false \ -Dlink-udev-shared=false \ -Dsysext=false \ -Dnscd=false \ -Dsysusers=false \ -Dinstall-tests=false \ -Ddbus-interfaces-dir=no \ -Dtranslations=false \ -Dresolve=false \ -Dutmp=false \ -Dtests=false \ -Dima=false \ -Dipe=false \ -Dsmack=false \ -Dbacklight=false \ -Dkernel-install=false \ -Dmountfsd=false \ -Dnetworkd=false \ -Dnsresourced=false \ -Dnss-myhostname=false \ -Dnss-systemd=false \ -Dhibernate=false \ -Dldconfig=false \ -Defi=false \ -Dtpm=false \ -Denvironment-d=false \ -Dbinfmt=false \ -Dpstore=false \ -Dlogind=false \ -Dhostnamed=false \ -Dlocaled=false \ -Dmachined=false \ -Dportabled=false \ -Dquotacheck=false \ -Drandomseed=false \ -Drfkill=false \ -Danalyze=false \ -Dstoragetm=false \ -Dtimedated=false \ -Dtimesyncd=false \ -Dtmpfiles=false \ -Dxdg-autostart=false \ -Didn=false \ -Dgshadow=false \ -Durlify=false \ -Dcoredump=false \ -Dinstall-sysconfdir=false override_dh_auto_build: dh_auto_build -- libudev udev # TODO: in compat 14 we can use dh_auto_install -- --no-rebuild --tags libudev,udev override_dh_auto_install: meson install -C obj-$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --no-rebuild --tags libudev,udev --destdir ../debian/tmp/ PROJECT_VERSION ?= $(shell awk '/(PROJECT|PACKAGE)_VERSION / {print $$3}' obj-$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/config.h | tr -d \") override_dh_makeshlibs: sed 's/SHARED_LIB_VERSION/$(PROJECT_VERSION)/' debian/shlibs.local.in > debian/shlibs.local dh_makeshlibs -plibudev1-udeb --add-udeb=libudev1-udeb dh_makeshlibs --remaining-packages override_dh_auto_test: %: dh $@