#!/usr/bin/make -f # debian/rules that uses debhelper. include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk destdir=debian/tmp mandir=/usr/share/man docdir=/usr/share/doc/tcllib exampledir=$(docdir)/examples tcllibcdir=debian/tcllib-critcl/usr/lib/tcltk/tcllibc %: dh $@ override_dh_clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot # [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean # rm -f config.cache config.status dh_clean # Build-arch works with the critcl part override_dh_auto_build-arch: dh_testdir # $(MAKE) critcl # Build-indep mostly covers docs and such override_dh_auto_build-indep: dh_testdir # $(MAKE) html-doc # # Remove doc for non-existent module rm doc/html/exif.html # # Fix broken examples permissions chmod 644 examples/csv/bench_join chmod 644 examples/logger/snit-logger.tcl chmod 644 examples/logger/xotcl-logger.tcl chmod 644 examples/mapproj/* override_dh_auto_test: # Disable tests (TODO: add all required packages to build dependencies # and enable tests) override_dh_auto_install: dh_testdir # $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(destdir) install # # remove the critcl package from the arch-indep package find $(destdir) -name tcllibc -type d -prune -exec rm -rf \{\} \; # # install the mpexpand script, which doesn't otherwise get installed. install -p -m 755 modules/doctools/mpexpand $(destdir)/usr/bin # # now set the permissions properly, since the Makefile doesn't bother cd $(destdir)/usr/lib && \ find . -type f -print | xargs chmod 644 override_dh_install-indep: dh_testdir # # cleanup manpages cd $(destdir)$(mandir)/mann && \ for f in dtplite mpexpand nns nnsd nnslog page tcldocstrip ; do \ sed -e'/\.so man.macros/ d' \ -e's/^\.TH \([^ ]\+\) n/.TH \1 1/' \ -e's/(n)/(3tcl)/g' \ -e's/^\.dtx/\\\&.dtx/' \ -e's/^\.\.\(.\)/\\\&..\1/' \ $$f.n > $$f.1; \ rm $$f.n; \ done # cd $(destdir)$(mandir)/mann && \ for f in *.n ; do \ sed -e'/\.so man.macros/ d' \ -e's/^\.TH "math::roman" 1/.TH "math::roman" 3tcl 1/' \ -e's/^\.TH "tcl::transform::zlib" [in] /.TH "tcl::transform::zlib" 3tcllib /' \ -e's/^\.TH \(.\+\) [in] /.TH \1 3tcl /' \ -e's/send(n)/send(3tk)/g' \ -e's/(n)/(3tcl)/g' \ -e's/^\.RE\([^ ]\)/.RE\n\1/' \ -e's/^\.dtx/\\\&.dtx/' \ -e's/^\.sppp/.sp/' \ -e's/^\.plot/\\\&.plot/' \ -e's/^\.sp /.sp\n/' \ -e's/\xf6/\\[:o]/g' \ -e"s/\xe9/\\['e]/g" \ -e's/^\.\.\(.\)/\\\&..\1/' \ -e's/^\.ddt/\\\&.ddt/' \ -e's/^\. It/\\\&. It/' \ -e's/^\.text/\\\&.text/' \ -e's/^\.IP,/\\.IP/' \ -e's/^\.mycombo/\\\&.mycombo/' \ $$f > `basename $$f .n`.3tcl; \ rm $$f; \ done # # cleanup docs cd doc/html && \ for f in *.html ; do \ sed -i -e's/\(^\|[^:]\+\)send(n)/\1send(3tk)/g' \ -e's/math::roman()/math::roman(3tcl)/' \ -e's/(n)/(3tcl)/g' $$f; \ done # # generate documentation index tclsh debian/gen_index.tcl doc/html >$(destdir)/index.html # dh_install -i override_dh_install-arch: dh_testdir dh_install -a # # remove unnecessary files rm $(tcllibcdir)*/license.terms rm $(tcllibcdir)*/teapot.txt # # relocate library file find $(tcllibcdir)* -name '*.so' -exec mv \{\} $(tcllibcdir)*/ \; find $(tcllibcdir)* -name pkgIndex.tcl -exec mv \{\} $(tcllibcdir)*/ \; sed -i -e 's/file join \$$path/file join \$$dir/' $(tcllibcdir)*/pkgIndex.tcl # # move all the library mkdir debian/tcllib-critcl/usr/lib/tcltk/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) mv $(tcllibcdir)* debian/tcllib-critcl/usr/lib/tcltk/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) # # cleanup find debian/tcllib-critcl -type d -empty -delete override_dh_compress: dh_compress -Xusr/share/doc/tcllib/examples/ \ -Xusr/share/doc/tcllib/html/ override_dh_gencontrol: tcltk-depends dh_gencontrol v=1.19 get-orig-source: CURDIR=`pwd` && \ TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/tcllib.XXXXXX` && \ cd $$TMPDIR && \ wget -O - \ http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/tcllib/tcllib/$(v)/tcllib-$(v).tar.gz | tar -zx && \ for f in `grep -rl '^Network Working Group' *` ; do \ echo "REMOVING NON-FREE RFC $$f" ; rm -f $$f ; \ done && \ tar -Jcf $$CURDIR/tcllib_$(v)-dfsg.orig.tar.xz tcllib-$(v) && \ rm -rf $$TMPDIR .PHONY: override_dh_clean override_dh_auto_build-arch override_dh_auto_install-arch override_dh_install-arch \ override_dh_auto_build-indep override_dh_auto_install-indep \ override_dh_compress override_dh_gencontrol get-orig-source