Source: thunar Section: xfce Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Xfce Maintainers Uploaders: Yves-Alexis Perez Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), gobject-introspection, gtk-doc-tools, intltool, libgirepository1.0-dev, libexif-dev, libexo-2-dev (>= 4.15.3), libglib2.0-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libgudev-1.0-dev [linux-any], libjpeg-dev, libnotify-dev, libpcre3-dev, libtool, libxfce4panel-2.0-dev (>= 4.12.0), libxfce4ui-2-dev (>= 4.15.3), libxfce4util-dev (>= 4.15.2), libxfconf-0-dev, xfce4-dev-tools (>= 4.16) Rules-Requires-Root: no Standards-Version: 4.5.1 Homepage: Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: libthunarx-3-dev Section: libdevel Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Depends: gir1.2-thunarx-3.0 (= ${binary:Version}), libglib2.0-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libthunarx-3-0 (= ${binary:Version}), thunar-data (=${source:Version}), ${misc:Depends} Description: Development files for libthunarx This package contains the headers and the static library for libthunarx, the extension library used by thunar Package: libthunarx-3-0 Section: libs Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: thunar-data, ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: ${shlibs:Recommends} Description: extension library for thunar This package contains the Thunar extension library which permits adding new features to the Thunar file manager. Package: gir1.2-thunarx-3.0 Section: introspection Architecture: any Multi-Arch: same Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} Depends: ${gir:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Description: Typelib file for thunar This package contains the Thunar extension library which permits adding new features to the Thunar file manager. . This package provides the introspection data for thunar. Package: thunar Architecture: any Depends: desktop-file-utils, exo-utils, shared-mime-info, thunar-data (= ${source:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus, gvfs, policykit-1-gnome | polkit-1-auth-agent, thunar-volman [linux-any], tumbler, udisks2, xdg-user-dirs, ${shlibs:Recommends} Suggests: thunar-archive-plugin, thunar-media-tags-plugin, gvfs-backends Breaks: thunar-data (<< 1.2.3-3) Replaces: thunar-data (<< 1.2.3-3) Description: File Manager for Xfce Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use. . Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash. Package: thunar-data Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends} Description: Provides thunar documentation, icons and translations This package contains architecture-independent files for thunar, the file manager and file management libraries for Xfce desktop environment.