#!/usr/bin/make -f #export DH_VERBOSE=1 #export DH_OPTIONS=-v DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS := hardening=+all DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS := 1 include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk include /usr/share/ada/packaging.mk # Compile Ada and C with the same compiler. export CC := gcc-$(DEB_GNAT_VERSION) # Upstream Makefile insists on rebuilding everything everytime. # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH (set by debhelper) and the -m gnatmake option may # avoid some unneeded recompilations. export gnatmake_options := $(GNATMAKEFLAGS) -m # Tell Make not to strip the executables (dh_strip will). export strip := true %: dh $@ execute_after_dh_auto_install: # The verbatim GPL would duplicate /usr/share/common-licenses. rm -f debian/topal/usr/share/doc/topal/COPYING # Let dh_installchangelogs handle an html changelog. rm -f debian/topal/usr/share/doc/topal/Changelog.html .PHONY: override_dh_installchangelogs override_dh_installchangelogs: dh_installchangelogs Changelog.html