#!/usr/bin/make -f #export DH_VERBOSE=1 # set DEBIAN_VERSION* variables include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk MAJOR = $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | cut -d'.' -f 1,2) VERSION = $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | cut -d'-' -f 1) define BANNER /*! tryton-sao-$(VERSION) | GPL-3 This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. */ endef export BANNER # The sequence of the files matters, so we can not just use a wildcard JSFILES = src/sao.js \ src/rpc.js \ src/pyson.js \ src/session.js \ src/common.js \ src/model.js \ src/tab.js \ src/screen.js \ src/view.js \ src/view/form.js \ src/view/tree.js \ src/view/graph.js \ src/view/calendar.js \ src/view/list_form.js \ src/action.js \ src/window.js \ src/wizard.js \ src/board.js \ src/bus.js \ src/plugins.js \ src/html_sanitizer.js POFILES = $(shell find locale -name "*.po") # Path for po2json changed after bullseye DEBIAN_RELEASE = $(shell grep 'VERSION_CODENAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2) ifeq ($(DEBIAN_RELEASE),bullseye) PO2JSON = /usr/bin/node-po2json else PO2JSON = /usr/share/nodejs/po2json/bin/po2json endif %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_clean: dh_clean # Remove evtl. preprocessed files rm -rf dist/* rm -rf locale/*.json rm -rf bower_components/bootstrap-rtl-ondemand/bootstrap override_dh_gencontrol: dh_gencontrol -- -Vversion:major="$(MAJOR)" override_dh_install: # node-grunt-contrib-less is not (yet) available, so we mimic the tasks # Grunt task concat: Pull all js files into one single file mkdir -p dist for FILE in $(JSFILES); do cat $$FILE >> dist/tryton-sao.js; done # Grunt task uglify: Minify the js file (echo $$BANNER; uglifyjs dist/tryton-sao.js) > dist/tryton-sao.min.js # Grunt task less: Compile and compress the css files ln -s ../bootstrap bower_components/bootstrap-rtl-ondemand/bootstrap # Use the linked in path for bootstrap in --include-path to avoid duplicates lessc --include-path="bower_components/bootstrap-rtl-ondemand/bootstrap/less:bower_components/bootstrap-rtl-ondemand/less" src/sao.less dist/tryton-sao.css # minify with clean-css instead of deprecated lessc --compress cleancss -o dist/tryton-sao.min.css dist/tryton-sao.css # Grunt task po2json: Convert po files to json format for POFILE in $(POFILES); do \ if [ -e $$POFILE ]; then \ $(PO2JSON) --format raw $$POFILE `echo $$POFILE | cut -d'.' -f1`.json; \ fi; \ done # Image license is covered in copyright, no need to install it dh_install \ -Xbower.json \ -XGruntfile.js \ -Xpackage.json \ -Ximages/LICENSE get-orig-source: ./debian/get_orig_source.sh