#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk # Fuse uWSGI and our package versions, flattened to native format UWSGI_VERSION = $(shell dpkg-query --show --showformat '$${Version}' uwsgi-src) OUR_BINARY_VERSION = $(subst -,+,$(UWSGI_VERSION))+$(DEB_VERSION) PYTHON3S = $(shell py3versions -r 2> /dev/null) PYTHON3DEFAULTDOTLESS = $(subst .,,$(shell py3versions -d 2> /dev/null)) PYTHON3SDOTLESS = python3 $(patsubst python3.%,python3%,$(PYTHON3S)) UWSGI_SRCPLUGINS = asyncio tornado # resolve supported architectures for arch-varying build-dependencies # (in maintainer mode only: uses network and messes with control file) ifneq (,$(DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE)) $(shell sh debian/pkgarchs.sh python3-greenlet > debian/ARCHS_greenlet) endif $(eval ARCHS_greenlet := $(shell cat debian/ARCHS_greenlet)) ifneq (,$(DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE)) clean: debian/control debian/control:: perl -sgpi \ -e 's/^# autogenerated:.+\n\s+\S*$$pat.*\[\K[^\]\n]*/$$list/gm;' \ -e 's/^Package:.*$$pat.*\n# autogenerated:.+\nArchitecture:\s+\K[^\n]*/$$list/gm;' \ -- -pat='(greenlet|gevent)' -list='$(ARCHS_greenlet)' \ -- $@ endif ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(ARCHS_greenlet))) UWSGI_SRCPLUGINS += greenlet gevent endif PLUGINS = $(PYTHON3SDOTLESS) \ $(foreach srcplugin, $(UWSGI_SRCPLUGINS), \ $(foreach py3, $(PYTHON3SDOTLESS), \ $(srcplugin)_$(py3) \ ) \ ) PLUGINBUILDER = uwsgi --build-plugin %: dh $@ %_plugin.so: PYTHON=python3.$(lastword $(subst _python3, ,$*)) $(PLUGINBUILDER) \ "/usr/src/uwsgi/plugins/$(firstword $(subst _, ,$*)) $*" %_python3_plugin.so: ln -s $*_$(PYTHON3DEFAULTDOTLESS)_plugin.so $@ python3%_plugin.so: PYTHON=python3.$* $(PLUGINBUILDER) "/usr/src/uwsgi/plugins/python python3$*" python3_plugin.so: ln -s $(PYTHON3DEFAULTDOTLESS)_plugin.so $@ .PHONY: plugins plugins: $(addsuffix _plugin.so, $(PLUGINS)) override_dh_auto_build: plugins help2man \ --name 'fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server' \ --section 1 \ --no-info \ --version-string="$(UWSGI_VERSION)" \ debian/uwsgi_python3 \ > debian/uwsgi_python3.1 cp -a /usr/src/uwsgi/uwsgidecorators.py $(CURDIR) override_dh_gencontrol: dh_gencontrol -- -v$(OUR_BINARY_VERSION)