Source: vagrant Section: admin Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Ruby Team Uploaders: Antonio Terceiro , Laurent Bigonville Build-Depends: bash-completion, debhelper (>= 11~), gem2deb, rake, ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf (>= 1.0.0), ruby-childprocess (>= 0.6.0), ruby-ed25519 (>= 1.2.4), ruby-erubis (>= 2.7.0), ruby-i18n (>= 1.1.1), ruby-listen (>= 3.1.5), ruby-log4r (>= 1.1.9), ruby-net-scp (>= 1.2.0), ruby-net-sftp (>= 2.1), ruby-net-ssh (>= 5.1.0), ruby-rest-client (>= 1.6.0), ruby-vagrant-cloud (>= 2.0.2), ruby-zip (>= 1.2.2) Standards-Version: 4.3.0 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Homepage: Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-ruby XS-Ruby-Versions: all Rules-Requires-Root: no Package: vagrant Architecture: all XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions} Depends: libarchive-tools, curl, openssh-client, rsync, ruby, ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf (>= 1.0.0), ruby-childprocess (>= 0.6.0), ruby-ed25519 (>= 1.2.4), ruby-erubis (>= 2.7.0), ruby-i18n (>= 1.1.1), ruby-listen (>= 3.1.5), ruby-log4r (>= 1.1.9), ruby-net-scp (>= 1.2.0), ruby-net-sftp (>= 2.1), ruby-net-ssh (>= 5.1.0), ruby-rest-client (>= 1.6.0), ruby-vagrant-cloud (>= 2.0.2), ruby-zip (>= 1.2.2), ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends} Recommends: vagrant-libvirt Suggests: virtualbox (>= 4.0) Description: Tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments This package provides the tools to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable virtual environments. . Vagrant uses Oracle’s VirtualBox to create its virtual machines and then uses Chef or Puppet to provision them.