#!/usr/bin/make -f #export DH_VERBOSE=1 export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all export DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -DNDEBUG %: dh $@ override_dh_autoreconf: dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh override_dh_auto_configure: # Remove embedded code copies so we never use them rm -rf 3rdparty/miniupnpc rm -rf 3rdparty/SDL rm -rf 3rdparty/quesoglc # Remove generated files so we regenerate them rm -f doc/warzone2100.6 \ src/scriptvals_lexer.cpp \ src/scriptvals_parser.cpp \ src/scriptvals_parser.h \ src/level_lexer.cpp \ lib/framework/resource_lexer.cpp \ lib/framework/resource_parser.cpp \ lib/framework/resource_parser.h \ lib/script/script_lexer.cpp \ lib/script/script_parser.cpp \ lib/script/script_parser.h \ lib/script/chat_lexer.cpp \ lib/script/chat_parser.cpp \ lib/script/chat_parser.h \ lib/gamelib/audp_lexer.cpp \ lib/gamelib/audp_parser.cpp \ lib/gamelib/audp_parser.h \ lib/framework/strres_lexer.cpp \ lib/framework/strres_parser.cpp \ lib/framework/strres_parser.h dh_auto_configure -- \ --bindir=\$${prefix}/games \ --datadir=\$${prefix}/share/games \ --with-icondir=\$${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps \ --with-applicationdir=\$${prefix}/share/applications \ --with-distributor="$(shell dpkg-vendor --query vendor)" \ --with-appdatadir=\$${prefix}/share/appdata \ --enable-debug=no override_dh_auto_build: make -C lib/framework strres_parser.h make -C lib/gamelib audp_parser.h make -C lib/script chat_parser.h make -C lib/script script_parser.h make -C lib/framework resource_parser.h make -C src scriptvals_parser.h # The HTML to PDF converter needs an X server # The default bit depth is too low for the images in the PDF xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" dh_auto_build icotool -x icons/warzone2100.ico rm -f warzone2100_*_*x*x*.png override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install rm -f debian/*/usr/share/doc/warzone2100/COPYING* rm -f debian/*/usr/share/doc/warzone2100/ChangeLog* rm -f debian/*/usr/share/doc/warzone2100/Readme* override_dh_compress: dh_compress -X.pdf override_dh_auto_test: # Do nothing here at the moment to work around a FTBFS