#!/usr/bin/make -f DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=hardening=+all DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS = 1 include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk S=$(CURDIR)/debian/xymon C=$(CURDIR)/debian/xymon-client %: dh $@ --with apache2 override_dh_auto_configure: USEXYMONPING=y \ ENABLESSL=y \ ENABLELDAP=y \ ENABLELDAPSSL=y \ XYMONUSER=xymon \ XYMONTOPDIR=/usr/lib/xymon \ XYMONVAR=/var/lib/xymon \ XYMONHOSTURL=/xymon \ CGIDIR=/usr/lib/xymon/cgi-bin \ XYMONCGIURL=/xymon-cgi \ SECURECGIDIR=/usr/lib/xymon/cgi-secure \ SECUREXYMONCGIURL=/xymon-seccgi \ HTTPDGID=www-data \ XYMONLOGDIR=/var/log/xymon \ XYMONHOSTNAME=localhost \ XYMONHOSTIP= \ MANROOT=/usr/share/man \ INSTALLBINDIR=/usr/lib/xymon/server/bin \ INSTALLETCDIR=/etc/xymon \ INSTALLWEBDIR=/etc/xymon/web \ INSTALLEXTDIR=/usr/lib/xymon/server/ext \ INSTALLTMPDIR=/var/lib/xymon/tmp \ INSTALLWWWDIR=/var/lib/xymon/www \ ./configure --server \ --pcrelib $(shell pcre-config --libs) \ --ssllib /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) \ --ldaplib /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) override_dh_auto_build: MAKEFLAGS=-j1 CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)" PKGBUILD=1 $(MAKE) override_dh_clean: dh_clean debconf-updatepo override_dh_auto_install: # SERVER MAKEFLAGS=-j1 CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)" PKGBUILD=1 INSTALLROOT=$S/ $(MAKE) install # Static content in /usr/share cd $S/var/lib/xymon/www && \ mv gifs ../../../../usr/share/xymon && ln -s ../../../../usr/share/xymon/gifs . && \ mv help ../../../../usr/share/xymon && ln -s ../../../../usr/share/xymon/help . # Create static gifs cd $S/usr/share/xymon/gifs && mkdir static && \ for gif in *.gif ; do \ convert "$$gif[0]" xpm:- | convert xpm:- static/$$gif || exit 1 ; \ done && \ cd static && ln -s ../*.ico ../*.css . # We depend on the -client package rm -rf $S/usr/lib/xymon/client # This needs setuid root chmod 4755 $S/usr/lib/xymon/server/bin/xymonping # Apache 2.4 style stuff, used by implicit dh_apache2, see also debian/xymon.apache2 mkdir -p debian/tmp mv $S/etc/xymon/xymon-apache.conf debian/tmp/xymon.conf # We use a modified version of this as /etc/init.d/xymon rm $S/usr/lib/xymon/server/xymon.sh # Autogenerated on first install rm $S/etc/xymon/hosts.cfg # Fix permissions in /var/lib/xymon (dh_fixperms ignores /var) chmod a-x $S/var/lib/xymon/www/menu/*.gif $S/var/lib/xymon/www/menu/*.css # CLIENT CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)" PKGBUILD=1 INSTALLROOT=$C/ $(MAKE) install-client cd $C/usr/lib/xymon/client && mv etc/* $C/etc/xymon && rmdir etc && ln -s ../../../../etc/xymon etc cd $C/usr/lib/xymon/client && rmdir logs && ln -s ../../../../var/log/xymon logs cd $C/usr/lib/xymon/client && rmdir tmp && ln -s ../../../../var/lib/xymon/tmp # the only command needed in /usr/bin is xymoncmd, its PATH includes our private .../bin cd $C/usr/bin && ln -s ../lib/xymon/client/bin/xymoncmd xymoncmd cp debian/xymon-client.default.template $C/usr/share/xymon/xymon-client.default.template ifneq (,$(findstring kfreebsd,$(shell dpkg --print-architecture))) # kfreebsd support install -m644 debian/kfreebsd.cfg $C/etc/xymon/xymonclient.d/kfreebsd.cfg else # no kfreebsd support endif dh_movefiles --sourcedir=debian/xymon -a set -e; cd $S/usr/lib/xymon/server/bin && \ for f in * ; do \ if [ -f $C/usr/lib/xymon/client/bin/$$f ] ; then \ rm -v $$f ; ln -s ../../client/bin/$$f ; \ fi \ done rmdir $S/usr/share/man/man7 override_dh_installdocs: dh_installdocs mv -v $S/usr/share/doc/xymon/RELEASENOTES $S/usr/share/doc/xymon/NEWS mv -v $C/usr/share/doc/xymon-client/RELEASENOTES $C/usr/share/doc/xymon-client/NEWS override_dh_installinit: dh_installinit -a -- defaults 98 02 override_dh_fixperms: dh_fixperms -a -Xbin/xymonping