Source: zabbix
Section: net
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 4.5.0
Maintainer: Dmitry Smirnov <>
Uploaders: Christoph Haas <>
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12), automake, dh-linktree, apache2-dev
    ,libgnutls28-dev | gnutls-dev
# libopenipmi-dev is not available on some architectures
    ,libopenipmi-dev [!hurd-any !arm]
## dh-linktree:
    ,libjs-jquery-ui (>= 1.10.1)
#   ,libjs-jquery (>= 1.10.1)
## java-gateway deps:
Build-Depends-Indep: default-jdk-headless
## ui/locale/*.sh:
## ui/styles/*.css:
Rules-Requires-Root: no

Package: zabbix-agent
Architecture: any
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ucf, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: usbutils
Suggests: logrotate
Description: network monitoring solution - agent
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to monitor a host using a
 Zabbix agent.

Package: zabbix-frontend-php
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ucf
    ,php-pgsql | php-mysql | php-sqlite3
Recommends: ${misc:Recommends}
    ,libapache2-mod-php | php-fpm
Description: network monitoring solution - PHP front-end
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides a web-browsable front-end to the Zabbix server, which
 can display graphs of the data collected from clients.

Package: zabbix-java-gateway
Architecture: all
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: ${java:Recommends}
Description: network monitoring solution - Java gateway
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to monitor Java applications
 using a Zabbix Java gateway. It collects information from JMX agent.

Package: zabbix-proxy-mysql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fping, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: default-mysql-server | virtual-mysql-server
Suggests: logrotate
Conflicts: zabbix-proxy-pgsql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3, zabbix-server-mysql, zabbix-server-pgsql
Description: network monitoring solution - proxy (using MySQL)
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to integrate a host as a Zabbix
 proxy. It collects information from Zabbix agents, temporarily stores it
 in a MySQL database and then passes it to a Zabbix server.

Package: zabbix-proxy-pgsql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fping, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: postgresql
Conflicts: zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3, zabbix-server-mysql, zabbix-server-pgsql
Suggests: logrotate
Description: network monitoring solution - proxy (using PostgreSQL)
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to integrate a host as a Zabbix
 proxy. It collects information from Zabbix agents, temporarily stores it
 in a PostgreSQL database and then passes it to a Zabbix server.

Package: zabbix-proxy-sqlite3
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fping, adduser, lsb-base, sqlite3
Suggests: logrotate
Conflicts: zabbix-proxy-pgsql, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-server-mysql, zabbix-server-pgsql
Description: network monitoring solution - proxy (using SQLite3)
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to integrate a host as a Zabbix
 proxy. It collects information from Zabbix agents, temporarily stores it
 in an SQLite3 database and then passes it to a Zabbix server.

Package: zabbix-server-mysql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fping, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: default-mysql-server | virtual-mysql-server, snmpd
Suggests: zabbix-frontend-php, logrotate, sudo
# SNMP:   snmp-mibs-downloader (non-free) may be required when MIBs are missing, see #740815
Conflicts: zabbix-server-pgsql, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-pgsql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3
Description: network monitoring solution - server (using MySQL)
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to integrate a host as a Zabbix
 client. It collects information from Zabbix clients and stores it in a
 MySQL database.

Package: zabbix-server-pgsql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fping, adduser, lsb-base
Recommends: postgresql, snmpd
Suggests: zabbix-frontend-php, logrotate, sudo
# SNMP:   snmp-mibs-downloader (non-free) may be required when MIBs are missing, see #740815
Conflicts: zabbix-server-mysql, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-pgsql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3
Description: network monitoring solution - server (using PostgreSQL)
 Zabbix is a server/client network monitoring system with many features.
 It can be used for:
  - high level monitoring of IT services;
  - centralized monitoring of your servers and applications;
  - monitoring of SNMP-enabled devices;
  - performance monitoring (process load, network activity, disk
    activity, memory usage, OS parameters etc.);
  - data visualization.
 This package provides the software needed to integrate a host as a Zabbix
 client. It collects information from Zabbix clients and stores it in a
 PostgreSQL database.