Source: zsnapd Section: contrib/admin Priority: optional Maintainer: Matthew Grant Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), python3-all, dh-python, python3-setuptools, python3 X-Python3-Version: >=3.11 Standards-Version: 4.6.2 Homepage: #Vcs-Browser: #Vcs-Git: Package: zsnapd Architecture: all Recommends: openssh-server, openssh-client, mbuffer, zsnapd-rcmd Depends: ${misc:Depends}, python3:any (>= 3.11), python3-magcode-core (>=1.5.4~), python3-setproctitle, python3-psutil, zfsutils-linux Description: ZFS Snapshot Daemon written in python Python daemon that manages ZFS snapshots and send/receive backup. Based on zfs-snap-manager. . * Remote ZFS snapshoting/aging wnd replication back to central ZFS backup server. Only need to install zfs-utils, zsnapd-rcmd (for secure) remote ssh key login and sshd on client, and use root ssh key based log in. * Has connectivity test to skip scheduled actions when the remote site cannot be contacted. Actually quite useful for ZFS backing up laptops. Reachability failures are logged of course! * Uses Python3 * Native systemd support. * Configuration is stored in configuration files with the ini file format. Configuration .d parts directories also present * Triggers the configured actions based on time or a '.trigger' file present in the dataset's mountpoint. * Can take snapshots (with a yyyymmddhhmm timestamp format). * Can replicate snapshots to/from other nodes. * Push based when the replication source has access to the replication target. * Pull based when the replication source has no access to the replication target. Typically when you don't want to give all nodes access to the backup/replication target. * Cleans all snapshots with the yyyymmddhh timestamp schmea format based on a GFS schema (Grandfather, Father, Son). Timestamp evaluation based on actual ZFS snapshot creation metadata. * Supports pre and post commands. Package: zsnapd-rcmd Architecture: all Recommends: openssh-server Depends: ${misc:Depends}, python3:any (>= 3.11), python3-magcode-core (>=1.5.4~), python3-setproctitle Description: Remote sshd command checker for ZFS Snapshot Daemon ZFS Snapshot Daemon is written in python, and it can remotely manage ZFS snapshotting and backup from a central back up server. This is the security plugin command for sshd that implements ForceCommand functionality, or the command functionality in the .ssh/authorized_keys file (See the sshd_config(8) and sshd(8) man pages respectively). . It executes commands from the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND variable after checking them against a list of configured regular expressions.