-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Format: 1.8 Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 01:38:13 -0500 Source: chromium Architecture: source Version: 97.0.4692.71-0.1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: high Maintainer: Debian Chromium Team <chromium@packages.debian.org> Changed-By: Andres Salomon <dilinger@debian.org> Closes: 861796 942962 955540 995212 996375 Changes: chromium (97.0.4692.71-0.1) unstable; urgency=high . * Non-maintainer upload. * Stop building chromium's bunded gn and instead build-dep on generate-ninja. * Drop numerous patches related to gcc building, since we just build w/ clang. * Use python3 as default instead of relying on python2 (closes: #942962, #996375). * Enable the ozone backend in the build (closes: #955540). * Automatically detect & enable Wayland support when launching chromium (closes: #861796). * Rename crashpad_handler to chrome_crashpad_handler. * No longer hardcode desktop GL implementation as default - it causes the chromium compositor's draw buffer to fill up & crash on my system. * Enable official builds. * New upstream stable release (closes: #995212). - CVE-2022-0096: Use after free in Storage. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA - CVE-2022-0097: Inappropriate implementation in DevTools. Reported by David Erceg - CVE-2022-0098: Use after free in Screen Capture. Reported by @ginggilBesel - CVE-2022-0099: Use after free in Sign-in. Reported by Rox - CVE-2022-0100: Heap buffer overflow in Media streams API. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. - CVE-2022-0101: Heap buffer overflow in Bookmarks. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2022-0102: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Brendon Tiszka - CVE-2022-0103: Use after free in SwiftShader. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair - CVE-2022-0104: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair - CVE-2022-0105: Use after free in PDF. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. - CVE-2022-0106: Use after free in Autofill. Reported by Khalil Zhani - CVE-2022-0107: Use after free in File Manager API. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2022-0108: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) - CVE-2022-0109: Inappropriate implementation in Autofill. Reported by Young Min Kim (@ylemkimon), CompSec Lab at Seoul National University - CVE-2022-0110: Incorrect security UI in Autofill. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz - CVE-2022-0111: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by garygreen - CVE-2022-0112: Incorrect security UI in Browser UI. Reported by Thomas Orlita - CVE-2022-0113: Inappropriate implementation in Blink. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) - CVE-2022-0114: Out of bounds memory access in Web Serial. Reported by Looben Yang - CVE-2022-0115: Uninitialized Use in File API. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero - CVE-2022-0116: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing. Reported by Irvan Kurniawan (sourc7) - CVE-2022-0117: Policy bypass in Service Workers. Reported by Dongsung Kim (@kid1ng) - CVE-2022-0118: Inappropriate implementation in WebShare. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz - CVE-2022-0120: Inappropriate implementation in Passwords. Reported by CHAKRAVARTHI (Ruler96) (96.0.4664.110) - CVE-2021-4098: Insufficient data validation in Mojo. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-4099: Use after free in Swiftshader. Reported by Aki Helin of Solita - CVE-2021-4100: Object lifecycle issue in ANGLE. Reported by Aki Helin of Solita - CVE-2021-4101: Heap buffer overflow in Swiftshader. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair - CVE-2021-4102: Use after free in V8. Reported by Anonymous (96.0.4664.93) - CVE-2021-4052: Use after free in web apps. Reported by Wei Yuan of MoyunSec VLab - CVE-2021-4053: Use after free in UI. Reported by Rox - CVE-2021-4079: Out of bounds write in WebRTC. Reported by Brendon Tiszka - CVE-2021-4054: Incorrect security UI in autofill. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz - CVE-2021-4078: Type confusion in V8. Reported by Nan Wang(@eternalsakura13) and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab - CVE-2021-4055: Heap buffer overflow in extensions. Reported by Chen Rong - CVE-2021-4056: Type Confusion in loader. Reported by @__R0ng of 360 Alpha Lab - CVE-2021-4057: Use after free in file API. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-4058: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair - CVE-2021-4059: Insufficient data validation in loader. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) - CVE-2021-4061: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Paolo Severini - CVE-2021-4062: Heap buffer overflow in BFCache. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab - CVE-2021-4063: Use after free in developer tools. Reported by Abdulrahman Alqabandi, Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research - CVE-2021-4064: Use after free in screen capture. Reported by @ginggilBesel - CVE-2021-4065: Use after free in autofill. Reported by 5n1p3r0010 from Topsec ChiXiao Lab - CVE-2021-4066: Integer underflow in ANGLE. Reported by Jaehun Jeong(@n3sk) of Theori - CVE-2021-4067: Use after free in window manager. Reported by @ginggilBesel - CVE-2021-4068: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in new tab page. Reported by NDevTK (96.0.4664.45) - CVE-2021-38008: Use after free in media. Reported by Marcin Towalski - CVE-2021-38009: Inappropriate implementation in cache. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) - CVE-2021-38006: Use after free in storage foundation. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-38007: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Polaris Feng and SGFvamll at Singular Security Lab - CVE-2021-38005: Use after free in loader. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-38010: Inappropriate implementation in service workers. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-38011: Use after free in storage foundation. Reported by Sergei Glazunov of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-38012: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Yonghwi Jin (@jinmo123) - CVE-2021-38013: Heap buffer overflow in fingerprint recognition. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2021-38014: Out of bounds write in Swiftshader. Reported by Atte Kettunen of OUSPG - CVE-2021-38015: Inappropriate implementation in input. Reported by David Erceg - CVE-2021-38016: Insufficient policy enforcement in background fetch. Reported by Maurice Dauer - CVE-2021-38017: Insufficient policy enforcement in iframe sandbox. Reported by NDevTK - CVE-2021-38018: Inappropriate implementation in navigation. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz - CVE-2021-38019: Insufficient policy enforcement in CORS. Reported by Maurice Dauer - CVE-2021-38020: Insufficient policy enforcement in contacts picker. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) - CVE-2021-38021: Inappropriate implementation in referrer. Reported by Prakash (@1lastBr3ath) - CVE-2021-38022: Inappropriate implementation in WebAuthentication. Reported by Michal Kepkowski (95.0.4638.69) - CVE-2021-37997: Use after free in Sign-In. Reported by Wei Yuan of MoyunSec VLab - CVE-2021-37998: Use after free in Garbage Collection. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. - CVE-2021-37999: Insufficient data validation in New Tab Page. Reported by Ashish Arun Dhone - CVE-2021-38000: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Intents. Reported by Clement Lecigne, Neel Mehta, and Maddie Stone of Google Threat Analysis Group - CVE-2021-38001: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by @s0rrymybad of Kunlun Lab via Tianfu Cup - CVE-2021-38002: Use after free in Web Transport. Reported by @__R0ng of 360 Alpha Lab, 漏洞研究院青训队 via Tianfu Cup - CVE-2021-38003: Inappropriate implementation in V8. Reported by Clément Lecigne from Google TAG and Samuel Groß from Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-38004: Insufficient policy enforcement in Autofill. Reported by Mark Amery (95.0.4638.54) - CVE-2021-37981: Heap buffer overflow in Skia. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA - CVE-2021-37982: Use after free in Incognito. Reported by Weipeng Jiang (@Krace) from Codesafe Team of Legendsec at Qi'anxin Group - CVE-2021-37983: Use after free in Dev Tools. Reported by Zhihua Yao of KunLun Lab - CVE-2021-37984: Heap buffer overflow in PDFium. Reported by Antti Levomäki, Joonas Pihlaja and Christian Jalio from Forcepoint - CVE-2021-37985: Use after free in V8. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA - CVE-2021-37986: Heap buffer overflow in Settings. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2021-37987: Use after free in Network APIs. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA - CVE-2021-37988: Use after free in Profiles. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2021-37989: Inappropriate implementation in Blink. Reported by Matt Dyas, Ankur Sundara - CVE-2021-37990: Inappropriate implementation in WebView. Reported by Kareem Selim of CyShield - CVE-2021-37991: Race in V8. Reported by Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero - CVE-2021-37992: Out of bounds read in WebAudio. Reported by sunburst@Ant Security Light-Year Lab - CVE-2021-37993: Use after free in PDF Accessibility. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. - CVE-2021-37996: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Downloads. Reported by Anonymous - CVE-2021-37994: Inappropriate implementation in iFrame Sandbox. Reported by David Erceg - CVE-2021-37995: Inappropriate implementation in WebApp Installer. Reported by Terence Eden (94.0.4606.81) - CVE-2021-37977: Use after free in Garbage Collection. Reported by Anonymous - CVE-2021-37978: Heap buffer overflow in Blink. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA - CVE-2021-37979: Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC. Reported by Marcin Towalski of Cisco Talos - CVE-2021-37980: Inappropriate implementation in Sandbox. Reported by Yonghwi Jin (@jinmo123) of Theori (94.0.4606.71) - CVE-2021-37974: Use after free in Safe Browsing. Reported by Weipeng Jiang (@Krace) from Codesafe Team of Legendsec at Qi'anxin Group - CVE-2021-37975: Use after free in V8. Reported by Anonymous - CVE-2021-37976: Information leak in core. Reported by Clément Lecigne from Google TAG, with technical assistance from Sergei Glazunov and Mark Brand from Google Project Zero (94.0.4606.61) - CVE-2021-37973: Use after free in Portals. Reported by Clément Lecigne from Google TAG, with technical assistance from Sergei Glazunov and Mark Brand from Google Project Zero (94.0.4606.54) - CVE-2021-37956 Use after free in Offline use. Reported by Huyna at Viettel Cyber Security - CVE-2021-37957: Use after free in WebGPU. Reported by Looben Yang - CVE-2021-37958: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by James Lee (@Windowsrcer) - CVE-2021-37959: Use after free in Task Manager. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) - CVE-2021-37961: Use after free in Tab Strip. Reported by Khalil Zhani - CVE-2021-37962: Use after free in Performance Manager. Reported by Sri - CVE-2021-37963: Side-channel information leakage in DevTools. Reported by Daniel Genkin and Ayush Agarwal, University of Michigan, Eyal Ronen and Shaked Yehezkel, Tel Aviv University, Sioli O’Connell, University of Adelaide, and Jason Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology - CVE-2021-37964: Inappropriate implementation in ChromeOS Networking. Reported by Hugo Hue and Sze Yiu Chau of the Chinese University of Hong Kong - CVE-2021-37965: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API. Reported by Maurice Dauer - CVE-2021-37966: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing. Reported by Mohit Raj (shadow2639) - CVE-2021-37967: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API. Reported by SorryMybad (@S0rryMybad) of Kunlun Lab - CVE-2021-37968: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API. Reported by Maurice Dauer - CVE-2021-37969: Inappropriate implementation in Google Updater. Reported by Abdelhamid Naceri (halov) - CVE-2021-37970: Use after free in File System API. Reported by SorryMybad (@S0rryMybad) of Kunlun Lab - CVE-2021-37971: Incorrect security UI in Web Browser UI. Reported by Rayyan Bijoora - CVE-2021-37972: Out of bounds read in libjpeg-turbo. Reported by Xu Hanyu and Lu Yutao from Panguite-Forensics-Lab of Qianxin Checksums-Sha1: 507f073c6e940fd5d929d79b57b9a8140abaf70d 3747 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.dsc 3616e212d6f12237ef3110ac8925eeb0b01ba626 516819808 chromium_97.0.4692.71.orig.tar.xz 9a4a83826b14f919feff4e8684d75d24418d026e 152944 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.debian.tar.xz 977d4ab2c9fe37caf86dcd617bab5a40eedea702 26303 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1_source.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 766af0dc651e91103e92fbcb572a38debc21ddddcb7babbb598f22f1886b9ef9 3747 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.dsc cca093107bf6991b4777889012646455f8e520b446c9f27250653f98ed4bb7e0 516819808 chromium_97.0.4692.71.orig.tar.xz 8336fc7207dd85323dccee1f28bdad37b56ed9feb6d351b1dcf2e7df3b140857 152944 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.debian.tar.xz ff1d32a1ddafdea7eb060e8bf48ff3b5e1770bafb6452edb2797d56ac6a5d881 26303 chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1_source.buildinfo Files: 4ff32f06eb4a41f99344287afc202485 3747 web optional chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.dsc 88cfb419d88af08f2925b9e6efb3921e 516819808 web optional chromium_97.0.4692.71.orig.tar.xz 3138663b2663e81d70bdd7980f7d265d 152944 web optional chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1.debian.tar.xz 5319cf3f511af5986f835b0059962c71 26303 web optional chromium_97.0.4692.71-0.1_source.buildinfo -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJIBAEBCAAyFiEEUAUk+X1YiTIjs19qZF0CR8NudjcFAmHcql0UHGRpbGluZ2Vy QGRlYmlhbi5vcmcACgkQZF0CR8Nudjf9tg/+Mhnl9niTZtRusgC9wcXzPH8GkNpv mbSX9aWOhlqF/kN+xg+bs7Vfd4khnyVHwklBUII3g0h5t7JpeBWP1wra+2qQM12q o2xhhTPnQdoloQlpTZu5HSEVu1i3k0wz7dTHj2FqaJSEVA/C8VYpylg0J5MTnWyn w6GEMqZIg0wFvGt+QR0Houutepvr0Kjwr3z+/85QInCMTw/dr8LEZ0yvWMBJ8xMF LzYuduL/kvIrCurhOvcV894mbq+gPIaVvXS5c9j3TzaXNSstxnaqTHHPPGrblUMm 0sGk5KKorbewUp4zWOth3fWRu7yUbe2o7L0V8HZsTC5eeJkFUIs8tBTdR3R3rJKL QUJvEAkXQbG05A8C5RdZobXOG8GgmOOAAOwChE21mO+45t5HPmeiVzBT+hPI935L 8UgYqIbpLS4v9v5EnO/ufJCo+JZFtAV1wsWd/IIkbBSwZyNX9RMGBl54DvZPWfJj VdxIhQwDEMSdVxk10MdxNH8dhM39A0+TgBeMoDR7UEVmjKceEjtxqyG0iUBt+Kcv 6VcThONW2ZvldGBNMS6JoxznryxOR4noKyacqOAgP19YZFTmkiPckE5fuhKeZsvV LMXt9DKHHqXsJtZNsSLdlP0RKeHhv//V6WvbEA8tj7eCd905u7KZvlgXFGf5x0+q 0axP7uj/BpeF18g= =rhX9 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----