-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 19:55:48 +0100 Source: mini-buildd Architecture: source Version: 1.9.95 Distribution: experimental Urgency: medium Maintainer: Stephan Sürken <absurd@debian.org> Changed-By: Stephan Sürken <absurd@debian.org> Changes: mini-buildd (1.9.95) experimental; urgency=medium . Documentation release: Revamp && update of the (sphinx) manual, and documentation in general: . * [e72c108] setup.py: Simplify package_data computation && add some notes. * [9758377] Rename "doc" -> "manual" (file hierarchy && python). * [2d3ea00] manual/conf.py: Update to use '"' as primary quoting char (like the rest of the code). * [bed2afb] manual/conf.py: Disable sphinx' default 'body_max_width' limitation (i.e., use full width of display). * [d119487] manual/conf.py: Use 'html_logo|favicon' configs, drop custom template. * [e5979da] base.html: Move "sitemap" link to footer. * [abe9176] manual/index.html: Add "manual" view (embedded via iframe) && add to main menu. * [79db87c] base.html: Move "homepage" link to footer, "api" to main menu; drop extra "Documentation" menu. * [0c27076] setup/index.html: Embed 'admin' into setup view. * [8bb9ff0] *.py, *.html: Move all menus to "attention" menu (for now). Drop extra "admin" menu. * [a00350e] includes/main_menu_item.html: Add generic include for main menu items. * [c7eb908] config.py: Split "attention menu" to two "main menus" (left, right). * [689a481] setup/index.html: Move presets to menu && improve custom setup HTML. * [1a0058f] manual/roadmap.rst: Add roadmap (stub for now). * [e9605c8] devel: Fixup some forgotten doc->manual moves. * [06e5833] admin site: Remove dome customizations no longer needed when embedded. * [0233ea6] base.html: footer: sitemap/homepgae: Flip order. * [a83592b] manual/conf.py: Cleanup/reorder. * [98bfd74] manual/conf.py: Remove "htmlhelp_basename": htmlhelp not used (and default should be fine anyway). * [7809843] manual/conf.py: Remove "pygments_style": Default or theme default should really be fine. * [72be6c3] manual/conf.py: General updates, notation fixes. * [d1dbe9a] debian/rules, devel: Use 'sphinx-build' rather than 'python3 -m sphinx'. * [df0ac62] manual/user.rst: Rm "custom hooks" todo (we now have documented custom events hooks). * [62b1476] manual/admin.rst: Update apt key todo/FAQ: Only one apt-key now needed. * [0e8481e] schroot.py (Session.close): Update "stale session" comment to todo. * [3d38fe6] manual/conf.py: Use (builtin) theme 'bizstyle': Looks ok, has reasonable style support for admonitions. * [6b842f8] src/*.py: Update all "todo"s to admonitions. * [b2433ff] __init__.py: Add two new pycompat hints. * [644ca56] manual/admin.rst: Update all "todo"s to admonitions. * [520def3] manual/user.rst: Update all "todo"s to admonitions. * [08f55fc] manual/todo.rst,conf.py: Remove 'todo' extension completely. * [e1a94c4] admin/base_site.html: Re-add branding (else, no home link for login popups). * [c76ebe6] manual/Makefile: Remove, we don't use it. * [b412776] manual/08x.README: Add README to explain 08x directory. * [5b02187] manual/index.rst: Rm 'index', 'search': Already per default in nav bar or footer, resp. * [d975530] manual/index.rst: Drop "Special pages", go with only one TOC. * [b454525] manual/index.rst: Further simplifications && show depth 2. * [4e485e9] manual/quickstart.rst: Merge quickstart to admin, user, glossary. * [a9ff2bf] manual/glossary.rst: Add list of known admonitions (WIP). * [18ceb6e] manual: Rename glossary -> conventions. * [0b0c915] manual/conventions.rst: Add && apply convention for sections. * [fa09193] manual/*.rst: Bulk-update new section conventions. * [482040f] manual/conf.py: Enable extension 'autosectionlabel'. * [c079413] manual/*.rst: Bulk: Remove all explicit ref-labels && replace refs by autosectionlabel-generated. * [0e0523f] manual/introduction.rst: Update: httpd is now twisted, not cherrypy. * [5271281] manual/introduction.rst: Update tracker to tracker.debian.org. * [983ab96] manual/introduction.rst: Fix wording on API feature. * [7434010] manual/introduction.rst: Add note about wake support. * [daa221b] manual/admin.rst: Update abstract. * [ba1e7cf] manual/admin.rst: New main section "Installation", merging all relevant parts. * [db57ac7] manual/admin.rst: Installation: Updates, wording improvements. * [c882862] manual/admin.rst: Quite some bulk space-to-tab action. * [7f081a6] manual/admin.rst (using): Fix wrong section to quickstart. * [d48723f] manual/admin.rst: Add new "Setup" section. * [a63c317] config.py: Add 'homepage' as config.URI. * [d2fdff2] manual/conf.py: Add automatic support for `<key>`_ links for all config.URIS with "view" URI. * [25a0743] devel (mbd_installdeps): Also automatically 'apt-upgrade' after 'update'. * [8a460c0] devel (mbd_installdeps): Do upgrades on extra installs automatically. * [bd96717] manual/user|admin.rst: Bulk-update all internal links to new automated `<key>`_ -style. * [c79da8a] devel (codespell): Update to also check manual/*.rst. * [420dce3] manual/user|admin.rst: codespell: Fix handful of newly found wrong spellings. * [c4a5daa] manual/admin.rst: Fixup section categories (like in the original). * [369d451] manual/admin.rst: Put all individual "Model" docs under new section "Models". * [62540c4] manual/admin.rst: Move most of the "misc-like" sections to 'Odds & Ends'. * [483d5b3] manual/admin.rst: Move "Quickstart" -> "Setup/Bootstrap". * [bdafbeb] manual/admin.rst (using): Merge 'Configuration' section content into 'Models'. * [198dda5] manual/conf.py: Add "extlinks" extension && add "debbug" role. * [a2614a9] manual/admin,user.rst: Bulk-update all manual "debbug" refs by new "debbug" role from extlinks. * [ce9639c] manual/user.rst: Move keyring package bug 'inline'. * [8d7f0ed] manual/conf.py: Add "_static/custom.css" (empty for now). * [9a2e120] * manual/conventions.rst: Upodate for subsubsubsub ;). * [447d7d3] manual/_static/custom.css: Add CSS for root/mbd-styled code && add initial convention docs. * [0e1c6fa] manual/_static/custom.css: Make code hint texts opaque. * [ceabb4f] manual/user,admin.rst: Bulk-update code-parts (as per new convention). * [3329522] * manual/admin.rst: Add "Configuration" section for "Installation". * [781fcd7] manual/conf.py: Add role "mbd" for links to local mbd instance. * [24157f4] manual/admin.rst: Squeeze out old "wizard" stuff, merging content to Setup (and Models, where still applicable). * [7d0b4d1] base.html: [debug]: 'force_escape' seems no longer needed/worsening with current django. * [545e5c2] api/index.html: Add support to display one command only. * [d7a9ea3] tags/api.html: Simplify to use same code for 'unauthorized'. * [9603ec5] builtins.py: Add 'mbd_api_cls' as standalone tag && rather use BadRequest for 'unknown command'. * [29afe64] api.py (Command): Add method title(): Get 1st __doc__ line for doc purposes. * [e724b0c] api/index.html: Improve index && standalone HTML. * [1ee58c4] builtins.py: mbd_api: Add verbose option, use for API index/call doc. * [9e8eba7] builtins.py (mbd_api_popup): Simplify -- no need to redundantly copy all kwargs. * [2f4017c] manual/conf.py: Add "apicall" role (linking to new dynamic standalone API call doc page). * [119e679] manual/admin,user.rst: Bulk-update all mentions of "API call" to ne "apicall" role. * [3633f01] manual/conf.py: Rename role "mbd"->"mbdpage" (emebeds into text more naturally). * [f2d72d4] manual/user.rst: Save misc initial updates... * [d2d2dd5] manual: Split "user" manual into "consumer" and "developer" manuals. * [c11ac7c] manual/consumer,developer.rst: Initial raw content split. * [b06ddfc] manual/consumer.rst: Update abstract && structure. * [0743798] manual/developer.rst: Structural fixup. * [48ab685] base.html: Add 'sources_list' to footer. * [0e8aea4] Add util "mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap": Automates archive keyring bootstrapping. * [fb5fb4e] manual/conf.py: Add new role "reqdeb". * [90a8a61] manual/consumer.rst: Initial rewrite for "Setup". * [f058c89] manual/developer.rst: Move "installation" content to consumer. * [a113262] manual/consumer.rst: Updates. * [8373adf] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Some cosmetic updates. * [15959fe] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Allow overriding of MBD_CODENAME and MBD_IDENTITY. * [b630912] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: FIX: Actually use "$MBD_CODENAME", not sid :). * [359ebb0] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Ask (with info) before actually doing it. * [f4fa927] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Also make MBD_APT_LINE overwritable. * [98eef26] manual/consumer.rst: APT boostrap: Add 'insecure' alternative. * [045bcbc] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Update scheme: Rather download/employ key manually 1st, then run safe apt calls. * [b7d31bd] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Add some dirty compat for jessie/wheezy/squeeze where we need apt-key add still. * [e576cbd] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: wget: Use --quiet. * [e4344b3] mini-buildd-apt-bootstrap: Ask twice, give admin chance to verify files. * [0b9523f] manual/consumer.rst: APT bootstrap: sync with tool updates. * [da32c82] manual/consumer.rst: Fixup "Sources" section. * [a16b3c3] api.py: Add 'command_line_full' (for use in templates): Full call && 'intelligently' compute user. * [05d4280] api/base.html: Add "shell" menu item: Quickly grab same call for "shell" use. * [593f5b0] manual/developer.rst: dput: Stray note from consumer belongs here. * [d380234] manual/consumer.rst: Update Sources, User sections. * [a0caabd] manual/consumer.rst: Update default layout examples to bullseye. * [8b394d8] manual/developer.rst: Update dput section. * [b7746b1] manual/conf.py: Add support for static HTML manpages. * [5f5e58b] manual/conf.py: Add new role "mbdcommand". * [ba7d53d] manual/*.rst: Bulk-update to ":mbdcommand:". * [fd6b7fe] manual/conf.py: Add "index" of all commands. * [dc0ecd0] manual/conf.py: Role 'reqdeb' -> 'debpkg'. * [d9b0899] manual/developer.rst: Update "authorize" section. * [8c379ee] manual/administrator.rst: Add "ssh wrapper" pseudo section. * [381c885] manual/developer.rst: Merge 'user upload' to one section. * [88f4a0a] manual/developer.rst: Update section "Control package build result". * [871fd52] manual/developer.rst: Update "managing packages". * [6ecf6ff] manual/index.rst: Simplify pydoc doctree entry && put last. * [cb83da7] manual/introduction.rst: Merge conventions into introduction. * [ee104f5] manual/introduction.rst: Update main components to debpkg role. * [03b9830] manual/introduction.rst: Simplify core compenents. * [498e6cc] manual/introduction.rst: Update abstract. * [8cf5d4f] manual/conf.py: Overwrite layout template again, merge custom.css. * [bb764ee] manual: Add "commands" and "apicalls" as sidebar menus. * [805b823] manual/_templates/mbd-sidebar.html: jinja2 reproducibility workaround (random iteration order). * [7c417f5] manual/_templates/mbd-sidebar.html: API: Add link to index page. * [2fa5646] manual/introduction.rst: Section fixes. * [642e637] python-client example: Update to curent API and simplify. * [928e8eb] client.py: Fix missing explicit import of events. * [dda3020] manual/developer.rst: Update API section && also newly document Events here. * [e30a736] manual/consumer.rst: Fix section hierarchy to convention. * [234a1ce] manual/developer.rst: Move "API and Events" to consumer. * [7561ab1] manual/developer.rst: Move urold bootstrap bug note to appropriate bootstrap section. * [602ed4b] manual/developer.rst: Move aptitude note to (own section) in consumer. * [265bd73] manual/developer.rst: Move 'multiple version' note to (own section) in consumer. * [6eb6c14] manual/developer.rst: Update abstract && intro. * [03eabc2] daemon.py: Remove unneeded api import. * [cb2dd15] api.py: Update Command constructor to take (kw)args only. * [06faf8b] api.py (Command): Make unknown args lethal, use from_sloppy() for exceptions. * [eb5d891] Update wording (doc and code): api.Command -> api.Call. * [b7a5bc7] api.py: Move presets into Setup call class. * [cdfe35a] api html: Update clear, reset, paste (args) and doc link (index) to 'icon'. * [23529a0] builtins.py, html: Remove 'mbd_icon' templatetag. * [2814c0d] HTML: Properly support 'alt' for all 'imges'. * [525aea1] manual, api.py: Sync API and manual sections. * [c8f0818] api.py (Call): Add "category support" to help structuring docs. * [dfbf148] api.py: Add category exceptions (handshake, setuserkey). * [9da630a] api/index.html: Update to new API categories. * [94e744b] api.py: Remove all HEADERs (was workaround for categories only). * [872fb58] api.py: Consolidate wording for all API call descriptions. * [a2f81d5] api/ls.html: Add bg colors for suites. Checksums-Sha1: f895e80aeb8ae079d7c3d817becd5cdbdf8a46fe 2294 mini-buildd_1.9.95.dsc 8b253ece8f918ebe2e6a59f414c97e3b74a34ea9 505072 mini-buildd_1.9.95.tar.xz 8b713c26fe29b09c505f486f96ef4e834b17e29d 11357 mini-buildd_1.9.95_source.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 8c325ca7aae3bff2183f6a9ec05b2cef0fb55e586995aa2737ccb7b9b091598b 2294 mini-buildd_1.9.95.dsc be23cb2e52e1a9eb8c48412cba00e0c863d9b32b06a21a20978fa617fdc4dbb9 505072 mini-buildd_1.9.95.tar.xz 393abe347e3f6622ce2367144e90e83d83f34433d0f3aaeba06f7582f9f4bde4 11357 mini-buildd_1.9.95_source.buildinfo Files: 0c05af05e85af5779531b8748095199a 2294 devel optional mini-buildd_1.9.95.dsc c785c6f7598222004daf1bbab2c45e44 505072 devel optional mini-buildd_1.9.95.tar.xz b5ad7ee65ca03eec4550b7a704074f1b 11357 devel optional mini-buildd_1.9.95_source.buildinfo -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQJGBAEBCgAwFiEEVOttCJ+jfBmmRZCzBm3oAX4rYdkFAmISj9gSHGFic3VyZEBk ZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEAZt6AF+K2HZdbkP/2y121J8WSdcIpcx2P7csTaR6zUGM62T ePcT86poFLwkPK9kI3PmOx7h4FzgmXwUZ+90LDV3kQZ40Nal2Yw5CFEuNo43F58u sBtKQjxSsaaco7HMfodcG+0neXg5SWkXzfvA8MkQoXIHwvcyTvx8as8/5zj2ymhE aY2FnpFLiIBjjcKPl2PtqXDbfoJ/s/XKwVgVAb8h8EkOHU2tHMiJ31wtoA7tLgCm s8r3524Q+dlzk/393vYj+bILSpS1MPyMt14pULEDtEYLNOpWSqBhfYZ4cLbPxrE7 473fa5Fy9gU/lYwDC3Etdb/xbzqn8T6zwFM1h4jMVssn+1xrFJlCqT+tFWry2mlN zfQ3mKk219O0aeaT3oBsqU4WnG/zVEW6rHbZ/m9JGbHuRvE2NDiPYZg0qVrDJRZ4 wE5XZTtkX7E5NArTJUE37Vg1ybOH7twpt7NGoGZm5w/X/W4ET3L68mGA3ngKzsKb r6SXmra/0BV2eSeXyS4Yl+tYRahIafRq8rM9uOFiwkwaMiBWVl7tbFKzJxAr02hu qEjZKnF7nDeEpRAnzl/SVI9fHXl/8Abiu1vb0DrQxZvfXJqPTP42s2TX46n4vLkV /0tYYBadApieK2mvYf8kOdVoXdK37sifxLQPR5+o2GMMCDclKdJ8wFHV04CCkXGJ 9eUbDLqNaNUl =fZgA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----