-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 12:38:02 +0200 Source: cryptsetup Binary: cryptsetup cryptsetup-udeb Architecture: source amd64 Version: 2:1.0.7-2 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Jonas Meurer <mejo@debian.org> Changed-By: Jonas Meurer <mejo@debian.org> Description: cryptsetup - configures encrypted block devices cryptsetup-udeb - configures encrypted block devices (udeb) Closes: 432150 518266 539734 541344 541835 Changes: cryptsetup (2:1.0.7-2) unstable; urgency=low . * add a paragraph to the cryptsetup manpage that mentions /proc/crypto as source for available crypto ciphers, modes, hashs, keysizes, etc. (closes: #518266) * fix luksformat to check for mkfs.$fs both in /sbin and /usr/sbin. thanks to Jon Dowland. (closes: #539734) * mention era eriksson as author of the typo fixes for manpage (submitted as bug #476624) in changelog of cryptsetup 2:1.0.6-3. (closes: #541344) * bump standards-version to 3.8.3. no changes needed. * add 04_no_stderr_success.patch, which adds an option to suppress success messages to stderr. don't apply the patch as this already has been fixed upstream in another way. next cryptsetup release will print the command successfull message to stdout only if opt_verbose is set. * add checkscripts blkid and un_blkid for the reason that vol_id will be removed from udev soon. advertise the new scripts at all places that mentioned vol_id or un_vol_id before. * add /usr/share/bug/cryptsetup which adds /proc/cmdline, /etc/crypttab, /etc/fstab and output of 'lsmod' to bugs against cryptsetup. * add debian/README.remote, which describes how to setup a cryptroot system with support for remote unlocking via ssh login into the initramfs. Thanks to debian@x.ray.net for writing it down. * update debian/copyright for current format from dep.debian.net/deps/dep5 * add chainiv, cryptomgr and krng to standard list of modules in initramfs cryptroot hook. (closes: #541835) * add a section describing LUKS header backups and related security implications to README.Debian. a tool to automate this task should not be distributed at all. (closes: #432150) Checksums-Sha1: 5bc50b6a6d732c85c125fe4f0a4e04821291a549 1486 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.dsc 56a491073270cfd6f31afe68fa7af7895ab23a8d 71180 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.diff.gz e19518c6d34f21fa59617784bd33c23c72dd2560 350160 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2_amd64.deb 25c12918d4cb0327fd6499f420dce3446f942cab 277882 cryptsetup-udeb_1.0.7-2_amd64.udeb Checksums-Sha256: 0bac6c6d02e89e8f54ef2e1e0626bfdf10248e28cf7b81a6cfe051f35b4032a4 1486 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.dsc dc30b80592ddef03e3f4b2790ab9afa9bc819c11ff2e4dc69d5b6609a45cb026 71180 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.diff.gz 780f576be5215f3f281377907c0cecc2b85f6b5274f96e363a51b475c9826cab 350160 cryptsetup_1.0.7-2_amd64.deb a9196b24016a9608abc8daa4652732baa3d431955abb543b5192f834804d2e2d 277882 cryptsetup-udeb_1.0.7-2_amd64.udeb Files: a0bc51b65b0384de3dd069b99370c62e 1486 admin optional cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.dsc cf850936ac5ba1843ff7370b6482d736 71180 admin optional cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.diff.gz 41873cec5d55c4e49b1d55211255e41b 350160 admin optional cryptsetup_1.0.7-2_amd64.deb 8aa45b4f551817c662189547db588876 277882 debian-installer optional cryptsetup-udeb_1.0.7-2_amd64.udeb Package-Type: udeb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkqc/CcACgkQd6lUs+JfIQKsegCggDGhJPYf3WMGAfKe9Rj/+t+U hCMAn1Z/CR5UKGief9LiAziMws0A1+n+ =QJtI -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: cryptsetup-udeb_1.0.7-2_amd64.udeb to pool/main/c/cryptsetup/cryptsetup-udeb_1.0.7-2_amd64.udeb cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.diff.gz to pool/main/c/cryptsetup/cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.diff.gz cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.dsc to pool/main/c/cryptsetup/cryptsetup_1.0.7-2.dsc cryptsetup_1.0.7-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/c/cryptsetup/cryptsetup_1.0.7-2_amd64.deb