-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:39:24 +0900 Source: tenmado Binary: tenmado Architecture: source i386 Version: 0.8-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Oohara Yuuma <oohara@debian.org> Changed-By: Oohara Yuuma <oohara@debian.org> Description: tenmado - hard-core shoot 'em up game in blue-or-red world Closes: 333410 554257 Changes: tenmado (0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low . * new upstream release * new maintainer (closes: #554257) * debian/control, debian/rules, debian/tenmado.docs: no longer uses dbs * debian/patches/*: removed * debian/control: removed the versioned dependency on libraries to respect symbols files if available * debian/compat: set debhelper compatibility level to 7 * debian/control: updated the versioned dependency of debhelper * debian/control: Build-Depends on autotools-dev because the package uses autoconf * debian/control: pass CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to configure script * debian/control: replaced dh_clean -k with dh_prep * debian/tenmado.gnome-menu: removed * debian/control: uses Homepage: for the upstream URL * debian/copyright: refers to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 rather than /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL because the license is "GPL version 2, no other version is allowed" * debian/tenmado.prerm: removed because it does nothing * debian/watch: new file, supports uscan * debian/rules: set Standards-Version: to 3.8.3 * debian/tenmado.postrm: removes /var/games on purge if it is not in the control of dpkg; assumes that a package which uses /var/games but leaves it empty until necessary includes /var/games in its .deb rather than creates /var/games in its maintainer script (closes: #333410) Checksums-Sha1: 60b87eb8a0ecd93036e005a99820a396244d18c6 1044 tenmado_0.8-1.dsc 3a1811e1fea4edd5b19ed8c8e72125ade12cefbf 303806 tenmado_0.8.orig.tar.gz 1584359de4dfbf5a4fad2d790b5b8b4930073849 8700 tenmado_0.8-1.diff.gz 412c2c41785addd22ceede2bb12e8be3b4d01e62 177482 tenmado_0.8-1_i386.deb Checksums-Sha256: e93062d814e294f16a9da9c9c35f32dc54f8caded9e3fb2723113b6dd9fbe923 1044 tenmado_0.8-1.dsc d5e31d52db48d7161e4f04810ec80d5e99401d31a9cfd294e8a0b7b23ba01a94 303806 tenmado_0.8.orig.tar.gz 2e451c08053071ed5a6ca44ecaa3c761b516f8f0537aa9ee86eccfe2303f836c 8700 tenmado_0.8-1.diff.gz b0cc817cb70993b33aa124dd86495915a03154baccf3521b805b09944f5a8ff4 177482 tenmado_0.8-1_i386.deb Files: c79e4b473e245542694eac47eaf24776 1044 games optional tenmado_0.8-1.dsc ebbcd00a43fcf9cdfe29a69730400de4 303806 games optional tenmado_0.8.orig.tar.gz cbd683112f5b96a6c60cb8c607d4d7df 8700 games optional tenmado_0.8-1.diff.gz 6f1c40868773cd8613028568e672ca56 177482 games optional tenmado_0.8-1_i386.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAksA6JsACgkQQNb0LvRkppWHzQCfTMwz4sXcAD/2z5Za1aESYM+n TpIAoLBu5ztjSm6zlDFWt5fgZ/aUcJAp =eNek -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: tenmado_0.8-1.diff.gz to main/t/tenmado/tenmado_0.8-1.diff.gz tenmado_0.8-1.dsc to main/t/tenmado/tenmado_0.8-1.dsc tenmado_0.8-1_i386.deb to main/t/tenmado/tenmado_0.8-1_i386.deb tenmado_0.8.orig.tar.gz to main/t/tenmado/tenmado_0.8.orig.tar.gz