-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:23:50 -0700 Source: pubtal Binary: pubtal Architecture: source all Version: 3.5-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <rodrigo@debian.org> Changed-By: Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz <rodrigo@debian.org> Description: pubtal - Template driven web site builder for small sites Closes: 585273 616953 619531 Changes: pubtal (3.5-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream releases. 3.5: - Stops encoding text sent to Textile (Closes: #619531). 3.4: - File separator characters (e.g. /) can now be used in weblog title names. - Replaced use of md5 module with hashlib - Wrapped all instances of a String being raised as an exception with the Exception class (Closes: #585273). * Converted the packaging to dh_python2 (Closes: #616953). * Converted the packaging to ship the modules as private, as required by python policy for an application. * Since we now depend on python >= 2.6.6 inclusion of python.mk no longer needs to be optional. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2. No changes were required. * Converted to source format 3.0 (quilt), which actually required no other change, since we don't have any patch. Checksums-Sha1: 0c7a1c5d5f4bc3190a3bd6b33b3cb4959c4b1401 1317 pubtal_3.5-1.dsc 5717085343eb5c406a8dc81a0b086c426fd98eab 212732 pubtal_3.5.orig.tar.gz 7b4c5f367f51a99964815ac0647032d49ea6e5f2 7880 pubtal_3.5-1.debian.tar.gz 766a23260d0bf664a4ebedecb2f87475181cb662 107538 pubtal_3.5-1_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: a024e42b6881875c1fb36e63c61d8cc4b04c0c7ba54b72e4d66e2611d5cdc335 1317 pubtal_3.5-1.dsc d3896ea413998c1213e795982caabd8d39068a92ff7ae723fb3185383de5f51f 212732 pubtal_3.5.orig.tar.gz b69178caa0be7f36dff78d783543fc35335efe59be0f7460a0726320b6908fa9 7880 pubtal_3.5-1.debian.tar.gz 913be9dcb1499589474113aca721ba7c43028072dafc730546e7d31bb2c58ced 107538 pubtal_3.5-1_all.deb Files: 308792cfae82cdf12e36a95f2acc7102 1317 web optional pubtal_3.5-1.dsc c869837b4f6c1f386ac0d42011293445 212732 web optional pubtal_3.5.orig.tar.gz 46004d3f3a4d18fa0baa3f394fd813af 7880 web optional pubtal_3.5-1.debian.tar.gz d1fb7ab2b4fc5886e70155c0db01de60 107538 web optional pubtal_3.5-1_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAk22XHoACgkQAZmDGK3JvCj0nQCff06dCnXoXrz/pkfDwi0/dXHj qIAAn0UTtyQlZN4+AFhtPgOSHcigve38 =QMSg -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: pubtal_3.5-1.debian.tar.gz to main/p/pubtal/pubtal_3.5-1.debian.tar.gz pubtal_3.5-1.dsc to main/p/pubtal/pubtal_3.5-1.dsc pubtal_3.5-1_all.deb to main/p/pubtal/pubtal_3.5-1_all.deb pubtal_3.5.orig.tar.gz to main/p/pubtal/pubtal_3.5.orig.tar.gz