-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 13:29:03 +0100 Source: po4a Binary: po4a Architecture: source all Version: 0.36-1 Distribution: experimental Urgency: low Maintainer: Nicolas FRANCOIS (Nekral) <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net> Changed-By: Nicolas FRANCOIS (Nekral) <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net> Description: po4a - tools for helping translation of documentation Closes: 501180 509553 513716 513791 514755 514828 Changes: po4a (0.36-1) experimental; urgency=low . * New upstream release. - New presentation of placeholders in the Xml module. Closes: #513716 - Updated po4a.7 manpage so that file names in the ASCII art chart match command line and text. Closes: #513791 - Added "HOWTO customize po4a" section to po4a(7). Closes: #501180 - The XML module and derivatives do not fail when the doctype does not match the expected one. Closes: #514828 - Use kpsewhich instead of directly using TEXINPUTS to find the included files. Closes: #509553 * debian/examples/compare-msgids.pl: Added script to output wdiffs between the new msgid and the old ones (generated when --previous) is used. Closes: #514755 * debian/rules, debian/po4a.examples: Install examples. Checksums-Sha1: 8c472290cf2e8a10da0cc2f88b49aaf8865c3825 1294 po4a_0.36-1.dsc 2ae636a02a591660c652569529f176d6d7288508 1110698 po4a_0.36.orig.tar.gz 3ee7502fc3cfeb835b157ba4058803acd8541b28 6785 po4a_0.36-1.diff.gz d282652c2aae9736d184e217e9304919822cf387 871388 po4a_0.36-1_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: 074fbe51d42d9425df9cd72d5fd34d5b9f6a5b3435bfb5252933d6836b8dc632 1294 po4a_0.36-1.dsc bfec45e27cd4a940b1fe07cd75ba104049e098adde304caa23396640a7a661bf 1110698 po4a_0.36.orig.tar.gz e12c069fff7424e9692aecfab9261a876c45acd15352d8bdd85cb11012621da2 6785 po4a_0.36-1.diff.gz 9fdb220581a34189206c2ac4ea440845b8e6c25b84fb80d2b308f96bd053d40a 871388 po4a_0.36-1_all.deb Files: 5deaafbb4b0552283f09442a6478b5fd 1294 text optional po4a_0.36-1.dsc 157c661d3089e68e300e81370422e216 1110698 text optional po4a_0.36.orig.tar.gz 6464e3f1068afca9be74c449822e487c 6785 text optional po4a_0.36-1.diff.gz 226fb85cf4d1011c5892b385b8e828d6 871388 text optional po4a_0.36-1_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkm9nHwACgkQWgo5mup89a2bZACfZOhlpHCm0UtVlaG5RWVn/ggu 4LQAn1oQ4k4bKaC1bB4G1dORCKH44P/R =Fef8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: po4a_0.36-1.diff.gz to pool/main/p/po4a/po4a_0.36-1.diff.gz po4a_0.36-1.dsc to pool/main/p/po4a/po4a_0.36-1.dsc po4a_0.36-1_all.deb to pool/main/p/po4a/po4a_0.36-1_all.deb po4a_0.36.orig.tar.gz to pool/main/p/po4a/po4a_0.36.orig.tar.gz