-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 12:20:47 +0200 Source: ia32-libs-gtk Binary: ia32-libs-gtk Architecture: source amd64 Version: 20100914 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Debian ia32-libs Team <pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> Changed-By: Frederik Schüler <fs@debian.org> Description: ia32-libs-gtk - GTK+ ia32 shared libraries Closes: 435455 460169 460737 484581 490947 493968 499411 504137 505761 575926 586966 596437 Changes: ia32-libs-gtk (20100914) unstable; urgency=low . [ Goswin von Brederlow ] * Add libcairo2 and libwmf0.2-7 from ia32-libs (Closes: #596437). * Merge in development from ia32-libs packaging (Closes: #460737). * Add libthai0, liblua5.1-0, libdatrie1, libjasper1, libmng1, libcanberra-gtk-module, libcanberra-gtk0 and gtk2-engines-xfce (Closes: #575926, #504137). * Mangle gtk loaders and immodules files (Closes: #435455, #484581, #490947, #493968, #586966, #499411). * Mangle pango modules files (Closes: #460169). . * Packages updated (Closes: #505761) . [ at-spi (1.30.1-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Add missing dependency on libgail-common. #579507. . [ at-spi (1.30.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ at-spi (1.30.0-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Require Python 2.5 since pyatspi uses a 2.5-specific syntax. #576650. . [ at-spi (1.30.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release: + debian/control.in: - Build depend on GTK+ >= 2.19.7. . [ at-spi (1.29.92-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Josselin Mouette ] * Add missing dependency on libx11-dev. #573709. * Drop at-spi-doc dependency on a web browser, recommend devhelp instead. #573710. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/control.in: - Update build dependencies. . [ at-spi (1.28.1-3) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Drop build-dependency on libxevie-dev. #558111. * Remove incorrect ${python:Provides} (no Python-Depends used). * Switch to python-support, python-central started generating incorrect dependencies. * Add postinst snippet to remove the old pycentral files. . [ at-spi (1.28.1-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Install the autostart file in /usr/share/gnome/autostart. #552633. * Add missing build-dependencies on libSM and libICE. * Lots of cleanups in build-dependencies and dependencies. . [ at-spi (1.28.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ at-spi (1.28.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/at-spi.install: Install new gconf schema file needed for proper setting up of gtk accessibility modules, as discussed in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=535827 * New upstream release. * debian/control{,.in}: - Build-Depends libdbus-gllib-1-dev. - Upgrade Standards-Version to 3.8.3 (no changes). . [ atk1.0 (1.30.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release. + debian/patches/90-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ atk1.0 (1.29.92-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release candidate. * debian/control.in: - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no additional changes needed. - Added myself to uploaders. * debian/patches/01-docs_ldflags.patch: Fix FTBFS with binutils-gold. * debian/patches/90-relibtoolize.patch: Relibtoolize. . [ atk1.0 (1.29.4-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release. . [ atk1.0 (1.29.3-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. - Update SHVER to 1.29.3 for the new API. . [ atk1.0 (1.28.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New major upstream release. * debian/patches/70_docize.patch: Removed, no longer necessary. * debian/control{,.in}: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3. . [ dbus-glib (0.88-2) unstable; urgency=medium ] . * Re-upload to unstable, with release team acknowledgement for squeeze . [ dbus-glib (0.88-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Sjoerd Simons ] * debian/control: Move packaging from svn to git * debian/rules, debian/libdbus-glib-1-2-dbg.links: - Don't symlink the dbg doc directory to the main packages one, it's too brittle and doesn't win much * debian/control, debian/update-patches.mk - Copy patch updating script from pkg-telepathy * debian/patches/0001-Fix-lookup-of-regular-properties-when-shadow-propert.patch - Fix crash when using shadow properties (from upstream git) . [ Simon McVittie ] * New upstream version - fixes CVE-2010-1172, unvalidated property access (#592753, LP: #616517) - drop the patch Sjoerd added, which is included in the upstream release - update symbols file for new ABI (some of which is part of the security bugfix) - mark dbus_g_object_type_install_info as requiring a dependency on this version, because it will be "version 1" instead of "version 0" object info for anything compiled against this version . [ dbus-glib (0.86-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. * debian/libdbus-glib-1-2.symbols - Add new dbus_g_object_type_register_shadow_property symbol. . [ dbus-glib (0.84-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. - dbus-gvalue: set an error when demarshal_basic doesn't recognize type. (#541632) * debian/patches/10_support_duplicate_object_registrations.patch - Remove, merged upstream. * debian/libdbus-glib-1-2.symbols - Add new dbus_g_bus_get_private symbol. * debian/rules - Bumps shlibs to >= 0.84. * debian/control - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4. No further changes. - Bump Build-Depends on debhelper to (>= 7). * debian/compat - Bump debhelper compat level to 7. . [ dbus-glib (0.82-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/patches/10_support_duplicate_object_registrations.patch - Pull patch from upstream git which allows duplicate object registrations and fixes a regression introduced in 0.82. (#540421, #541712, #542513, #544174, #546044) * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3. No further changes. . [ gconf (2.28.1-3) unstable; urgency=low ] . * gconf-schemas: don’t error out if there are no schemas to install. #577142. . [ gconf (2.28.1-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * So, it seems that parsing XML is so slow that regenerating the database entirely is faster than unregistering a schema and registering it again. Which means moving to triggers is a big performance improvement. * update-gconf-defaults, gconf-schemas: do nothing when called from dpkg, except from gconf2.postinst itself. * gconf2.triggers: register the /usr/share/gconf/* directories. * gconf2.postinst: regenerate the databases depending on the triggers called. * gconf2-common.dirs: ship an empty /usr/share/gconf/schemas, just in case. . [ gconf (2.28.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ David Weinehall ] * New upstream release. + debian/patches/01_defaults_path.patch, 02_fix_wrong_return_value.patch, 25_gconf-path-max-hurd.patch: - Refreshed. * debian/control.in: - Bump Standards version to 3.8.4 (No changes needed). . [ Loïc Minier ] * debian/gconf2-common.install: install evoldap.schema directly in /usr/share/doc; this makes it easier to build a non-LDAP version of GConf. . [ gconf (2.28.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Loïc Minier ] * gconf2.postinst: don't test for install as this isn't used for postinsts; use lt instead of lt-nl as a replacement; thanks Martin Pitt. . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch: - Removed, not needed anymore since upstream uses a recent libtool. . [ Luca Bruno ] * New upstream release. * debian/control.in: - Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no additional changes needed. - Remove libpolkit-dbus-dev and add libpolkit-gobject-1-dev build-depends. - Remove policykit from Build-Depends and from gconf-defaults-service. #549518. - Add misc:Depends to libgconf2-4, gconf2, libgconf2-dev and gconf-defaults-service. - Add Vcs-* fields. * debian/gconf-defaults-service.install: - Share dir changed from PolicyKit to polkit-1. * debian/patches/01_defaults_path.patch: - Update to apply cleanly. . [ Josselin Mouette ] * Bump shlibs to version 2.27.0. * Break gconf-editor < 2.28 because of the switch to PolicyKit 1. . [ glib2.0 (2.24.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ glib2.0 (2.24.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated 2.23 symbols to 2.24 to force dependencies on a stable release. + debian/rules: - Remove check-dist.mk include to allow uploads to unstable again. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.6-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/patches/05_gvariant_test_failure.patch: - Backport patch from upstream git to fix a gvariant test that fails randomly on x86. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. + debian/patches/05_gvariant_test_failure.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. * debian/rules: + Make unit test failures non-fatal again because of race conditions in some tests. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.5-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/patches/05-dont-fail-a-couple-of-tests-when-running-as-root.patch: - Updated. * 06-test-for-unexisting-files-in-TMP-and-not-in-HOME.patch: - Added, don't look for an unexisting file in $HOME since it will fail with an unexpected result if it's not writable (which happens on some buildds). Look at $TMP instead. * debian/rules: - Make test suite failures fatal on amd64, i386 and s390. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. + debian/patches/05-dont-fail-a-couple-of-tests-when-running-as-root.patch, debian/patches/06-test-for-unexisting-files-in-TMP-and-not-in-HOME.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.4-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/patches/05-dont-fail-a-couple-of-tests-when-running-as-root.patch: - Added, expect a couple of tests that play with file permissions to succeed when running as root. * debian/control.in: - Add desktop-file-utils to build depends to fix another test. - Standards-Version is 3.8.4, no changes needed. - Let libgio-fam depend on ${misc:Depends}. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.3-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.2-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . * debian/control.in, debian/libglib2.0-0.triggers, debian/libglib2.0-0.install, debian/libglib2.0-dev.install: + Ship gio-querymodules in the shared library package and triggers calls to every time /usr/lib/gio/modules is touched by a package. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.2-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.1-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * debian/control.in: + Let the -dev package depend on zlib1g-dev as it's required by the pkg-config file now. . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * New upstream release. + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new API. . [ glib2.0 (2.23.0-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Loïc Minier ] * -refdbg package is section/prio debug/extra. * Add note to NOT use -Wl,--as-needed as it might drop a critical -lpthread link in gio (which dlopen()s gvfs); see mid:<1257999019.21780.15.camel@marzipan>. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/90_mimetype-sorting.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. + debian/rules, debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Update for new API. + debian/control.in: - Build depend on zlib. + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. . [ glib2.0 (2.22.2-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/patches/90_mimetype-sorting.patch: + Fix sorting of mimetypes by weight. Highest weight means most important, not the other way around. Patch from upstream GIT. . [ glib2.0 (2.22.2-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * Move libglib2.0-data to section libs. #549079. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream bugfix release. . [ glib2.0 (2.22.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/10_inotify_init1.patch, debian/patches/30_metadata_symlinks.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. . [ glib2.0 (2.22.0-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Don’t install Python GDB macros for now, they only work with an experimental GDB branch. * 30_metadata_symlinks.patch: stolen upstream. Get metadata to work with symbolic links. #548142. . [ glib2.0 (2.22.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Josselin Mouette ] * Move libglib-2.0.so.0 to /lib so that DeviceKit (and other potential sources) can work without having /usr mounted. * 11_chmod_symlinks.patch: new patch. Fix potential security issue when manipulating symlink permissions. Thanks Arand Nash for the heads up. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream stable release: + debian/patches/11_chmod_symlinks.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. + debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols, debian/rules: - Update for the new version. . [ glib2.0 (2.21.6-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Josselin Mouette ] * 10_inotify_init1.patch: fall back on inotify_init when inotify_init1 does not work, as happens with kernel versions < 2.6.27. #544354. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Update for the new version. + debian/rules: - Update SHVER to 2.21.6. * debian/control.in: + Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no additional changes needed. . [ glib2.0 (2.21.5-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Update for the new version. + debian/rules: - Update SHVER to 2.21.5. * debian/control.in: + Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no additional changes needed. . [ glib2.0 (2.21.4-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. - Update shlib version to 2.21.4. + debian/libglib2.0-0.symbols: - Update for the API additions. * debian/control.in: + Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no additional changes needed. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.20.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/006_support-for-tracker-0.8-stable-releases.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. + debian/patches/003_gdk.pc_privates.patch: - Updated to apply cleanly again. + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.20.0-3) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/control.in - Add Vcs-* fields. - Add Homepage field. * debian/patches/006_support-for-tracker-0.8-stable-releases.patch - Add support for tracker 0.8 stable and future 0.9 releases. Also add support for loading the search engines on demand until they are actually needed. Patch is backported from upstream Git branch "tracker-0.8". * Refresh patches to apply cleanly. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.20.0-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Upload to unstable. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.20.0-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/rules, debian/control.in, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.*, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-dev.*, debian/patches/090_directfb-map-virtual-modifiers.patch, debian/patches/series: - Drop the DirectFB enabled GTK+ packages. They were needed for the graphical installer but it's now switching to X11 so we don't need them anymore. * debian/rules: - Move --with-xinput=yes and --with-libjasper to configure_flags since they are common to all of our flavours. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream stable release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.20.0 for the new API to force dependencies on the stable version. + debian/control.in: - Update GLib build dependency and tighten some -dev package dependencies. + debian/patches/003_gdk.pc_privates.patch: - Updated to apply cleanly again. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.7-3) experimental; urgency=low ] . * debian/control.in: - Build depend on xsltproc, needed to generate the mime cache. It was brought indirectly by gtk-doc-tools, but that's on Build-Depends-Indep which isn't enough. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.7-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Cyril Brulebois ] * Switch udeb from DirectFB to Xlib to prepare the move to an X11-based graphical installer. #573872. - Replace libgtk-directfb-2.0-0-udeb with libgtk-x11-udeb in control file. - Update description accordingly. - Update .install.in accordingly, using the “shared_udeb” flavour, based on the “shared” one, but with a few X11 extensions disabled. - Update package name and file paths accordingly in rules file. * Version/Bump some B-D to make sure the udeb gets proper dependencies on the recently reworked/added udebs: - libx11-dev - libxcursor-dev - libxext-dev - libxi-dev - libxinerama-dev - libxrender-dev * Add one patch to make it possible to disable X11 extensions, and refresh the other one accordingly: - 005_support_disabling_x11_extensions.patch - 070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch * Ship a minimal MIME database in the udeb, since the loaders mechanism isn’t sufficient to get proper PNG support: - Add shared-mime-info to Build-Depends to ensure that the update-mime-database tool is available at build-time, as well as the source freedesktop.org.xml file. - Add debian/keep-png-only.xsl to only keep the mime-type matching type="image/png". Matching with namespaces is tricky, see the comments in the XSL file for the details. - Build a MIME cache, and only ship the resulting mime.cache file under /usr/share/mime in the udeb. - While this is dirty, that should do the trick until it is needed for shared-mime-info to ship its own udeb. . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * Rename the udeb to libgtk2.0-0-udeb. * Standards-Version is 3.8.4, no changes needed. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.7-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.6-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.6 for the new API and add new symbols. * debian/patches/090_directfb-map-virtual-modifiers.patch: + Update to add just another stub to fix the build. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.5-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.5 for the new API and add new symbols. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.4-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.4 for the new API and add new symbols. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.3-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.3 for the new API and add new symbols. + debian/patches/091_size_allocate_crash.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.2-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . * debian/patches/091_size_allocate_crash.patch: + Patch from upstream GIT to fix a crash on size allocations. Thanks to Sebastien Bacher. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.2-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/patches/000_gtk+-2.0.6-exportsymbols.patch: + Removed, it wasn't being applied and hasn't been relevant for a long time. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.2 for the new API and add new symbols. * debian/patches/090_directfb-map-virtual-modifiers.patch: + Fix compilation of the DirectFB backend, patch adapted from upstream commit to fix the Quartz backend. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.19.1-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. + debian/control.in: - Update ATK build dependency. + debian/rules, debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Update SHVER to 2.19.1 for the new API and add new symbols. + debian/patches/009_gtk-export-filechooser.patch, debian/patches/021_loader-files-d.patch: - Updated to apply cleanly again. + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.18.4-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + debian/patches/091_dont-omit-gtk-icon-size-dialog.patch, debian/patches/092_gtk-image-size-allocation.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.18.3-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. * debian/patches/091_dont-omit-gtk-icon-size-dialog.patch: + Patch from upstream GIT to not omit GTk_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG when searching for an appropriate icon size. * debian/patches/092_gtk-image-size-allocation.patch: + Patch from upstream GIT to fix size allocation of GtkImage. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.18.2-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + 090_directfb-backend-compilation-fix.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.18.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + 090_directfb-backend-compilation-fix.patch: - Fix compilation of the DirectFB backend, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596959 . [ gtk+2.0 (2.18.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release: + debian/rules, debian/*.symbols: - Updated for the new version. + debian/patches/005_gdk_directfb_window_new.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.17.11-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/*.symbols: - Updated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.17.10-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/*.symbols: - Updated for the new version. * - . [ gtk+2.0 (2.17.9-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Josselin Mouette ] * Clean up the .la files in all -dev packages, not only in the main one. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream development release: + debian/patches/070_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch: - Updated for the new version. + debian/rules, debian/*.symbols: - Updated for the new version. . [ gtk+2.0 (2.17.8-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * New upstream development release. - Handle printers needing authentication. #499759. - Update libglib2.0-dev requirement. * debian/watch: - Don't uupdate. * debian/rules: - Configure with --with-libjasper, it's disabled by default now. * debian/control.in: - Remove conflicts and replaces no longer needed for packages in stable. - Standards-Version is 3.8.3, no changes needed. * debian/patches/005_xpmico.patch: - Removed, this check is not needed as HeaderSize can't overflow because IconCount will be at most 16 bits, and that multiplied by 16 is not enough to overflow an integer. (Checked with upstream) * debian/patches/001_static-linking-dont-query-immodules.patch, debian/patches/002_static-linking-dont-build-perf.patch: - Add headers. * debian/patches/005_gdk_directfb_window_new.patch: - New patch. Readd gdk_directfb_window_new(), which is exported in the public API and was removed by mistake. * debian/patches/* - Refreshed. * debian/libgtk-directfb-2.0-0.symbols, debian/libgtk2.0-0.symbols: - Updated for the new symbols. There's one symbol removed from the directfb backend, gdk_display_pointer_grab(). It wasn't exported in the headers, nor was supposed to be public, so if something out there is using it, they are doing it wrong. * debian/rules: - Remove a trailing backslash that prevented -c4 to be passed to dh_makeshlibs. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.20.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/patches/99_autoreconf.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.20.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release: + debian/patches/02_system-lua.patch: - Dropped, merged upstream. + debian/patches/99_autoreconf.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.19.0-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Cyril Brulebois ] * Switch udeb from DirectFB to Xlib to prepare the move to an X11-based graphical installer: - Get rid of libgtk-directfb-2.0-dev in Build-Depends. - Bump the Build-Depends on libgtk2.0-dev to ensure the new udeb gets a dependency on libgtk-x11-udeb. - Tweak comments and paths in debian/rules. . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/rules: - Remove hack that was needed to build the udeb against the DirectFB GTK+ library, since the default one was the X11. We build against the X11 one now. * debian/watch: - Don't uupdate. * debian/rules: - Pass --no-act to dh_makeshlibs, and not -n, to avoid getting unwanted shlibs files. * debian/rules, debian/control.in: - No need for chrpath anymore with recent libtool. * debian/control.in: - Standards-Version is 3.8.4, no changes needed. * debian/patches/02_system-lua.patch: - Add header. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.19.0-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release. * debian/patches/01_lua5.1.patch, debian/patches/02_system-lua.patch, debian/patches/99_autoreconf.patch, debian/control.in, debian/rules: + Build the normal deb with an external lua (5.1) and disable lua for the udeb. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.18.5-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ gtk2-engines (1:2.18.4-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. * debian/control.in: + Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.3. . [ libart-lgpl (2.3.21-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Loic Minier ] * Properly anchor package name regexp. . [ Sebastian Dröge ] * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/control.in: - Update Standards-Version and build-depend on autotools-dev. + debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ libbonobo (2.24.3-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. * debian/control.in: + Bump Standards version to 3.8.4 (No changes needed). * debian/rules, debian/libbonobo2-0.links, debian/libbonobo2-bin.links, debian/libbonobo2-dev.links, debian/libbonobo2-0.preinst, debian/libbonobo2-bin.preinst, debian/libbonobo2-dev.preinst: + Stop symlinking the doc directories; fixes FTBFS when dh-buildinfo is installed. . [ libbonobo (2.24.2-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Build-depend on libglib2.0-doc to ensure proper xrefs. * New upstream translation release. . [ libgnomecanvas (2.30.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. + debian/patches/01_canvasassert.patch, + debian/patches/99_ltmain_as-needed.patch: - Refreshed. + debian/rules: - Added --enable-glade to DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS * debian/control.in: + Bump Standards version to 3.8.4 (No changes needed). + Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 5) since we use compat level 5. . [ libidl (0.8.14-0.1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream bugfix release, no API changes. . [ libidl (0.8.13-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Acknowledge NMUs. Thanks! + #395037 "Diffs for 0.8.7-0.1, 0.8.8-0.1 and 0.8.9-0.1 NMUs" + #471300 "diff for NMU 0.8.10-0.1" * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no additional changes needed. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 7. * Capitalize "Perl" and "Python" in libidl0 package description. . [ orbit2 (1:2.14.18-0.1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Non-maintainer upload. * New upstream bugfix release, one API addition: + debian/patches/700-autoreconf.patch: - Regenerated for the new version. . [ orbit2 (1:2.14.17-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/control: Added minimum version to debhelper and pkg-config build-depends. * debian/liborbit2.lintian-overrides: Ignore that the package name does not match the .so names. This has historic reason and is not going to change. * debian/control: Fixed a typo in orbit2-nameserver's description. + #557830 "Typo in package description: "This -> These packages"" . [ orbit2 (1:2.14.17-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Acknowledge NMUs. Thanks, people! + #460403 "diff for NMU version 1:2.14.10-0.1" + #471275 "diff for NMU 2.14.12-0.1" * Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3, no additional changes needed. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 7. . [ pango1.0 (1.28.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release: + debian/libpango1.0-0.symbols: - Update for renamed exported symbol that is not declared in any public header and only used internally. * debian/patches/10_scan-module-files-in-dirs.patch, debian/patches/11_module-files-append-module-files-d.patch, debian/patches/12_module-files-append-compat-module-files-d.patch: + Refreshed. . [ pango1.0 (1.28.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release. . [ pango1.0 (1.27.1-3) experimental; urgency=low ] . * debian/control.in: - Bump libcairo2-dev build dependency to ensure we don't get a dependency on the old libcairo-directfb2-udeb. . [ pango1.0 (1.27.1-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Cyril Brulebois ] * Switch udeb from DirectFB to Xlib to prepare the move to an X11-based graphical installer. #573498. - Remove the --without-x flag from the udeb_configure_flags variable. * Bump some B-D to make sure the udeb gets proper dependencies on the recently added udebs: - libx11-dev - libxft-dev * Thanks to Julien Cristau for his initial patch. . [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] * debian/control.in: - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed. . [ pango1.0 (1.27.1-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. . [ pango1.0 (1.26.2-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ pango1.0 (1.26.1-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream bugfix release. . [ pango1.0 (1.26.0-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream stable release. . [ pango1.0 (1.25.6-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release. . [ pango1.0 (1.25.5-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream development release: + debian/rules: - Include check-dist.mk to prevent accidental uploads to unstable. + debian/rules, debian/libpango1.0-0.symbols: - Update for API additions. * debian/control.in: + Update Standards-Version to 3.8.3. . [ pcre3 (8.02-1.1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Non-maintainer upload. * Add explicit Breaks to applications using libpcre-ocaml, to allow proper upgrades from lenny (#581202) * Add debian/watch * Add debian/source/format * Remove duplicate fields spotted by Lintian * Promote XC-Package-Type field to Package-Type . [ pcre3 (8.02-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release . [ pcre3 (7.8-3) unstable; urgency=low ] . * debian/rules: Install main library in /lib (350468, #549608) * debian/pcre-config.1: Minor formatting changes (thanks Alexander Peslyak) (338658) * Makefile.am,Makefile.in: Added libpcre.la to LDADD for various things; apparently this will make it cross-build successfully (492565) * debian/control: Added ${misc:Depends} to dependencies for all the binary packages * debian/rules: Don't ignore errors from make distclean . [ pixman (0.16.4-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. * Add dependencies on ${misc:Depends} (lintian). * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3. . [ pixman (0.16.2-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release (#546849). * Upload to unstable. . [ pixman (0.15.20-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release candidate. * Bump shlibs and update symbols file for pixman_disable_out_of_bounds_workaround and new formats. * Add patch to disable use of env vars to force hwcap and platform on arm. * Add README.source with a pointer to the quilt package. . [ pixman (0.15.14-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * Update debian/copyright from upstream COPYING (#519078). Thanks, Jo Shields! * New upstream development release. * Enable arm simd, we can do runtime detection now. * Update symbols file and bump shlibs for new version. * Run dh_shlibdeps after dh_installdeb to avoid a dpkg-shlibdeps warning. * Move libpixman-1-0-dbg to new 'debug' section. * Add ~ to pixman_image_set_source_clipping version in symbols file, to make lintian happy. * Don't handle nostrip explicitly in debian/rules, dh_strip does that for us. * Use filter instead of findstring for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS parsing, as standardized by policy 3.8.0. * Handle parallel=n in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2. * Version the build-dep on debhelper to silence lintian. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. . [ Modestas Vainius ] * Expand 96_webkit_no_gc_sections.diff to cover mips(el) as well. Hopefully, this will make linker less memory demanding and solve out-of-memory condition on buildds. * Add usleep(1000) before fork() in QProcess on hppa in order to decrease failure rate caused by #561203. Hopefully, probablity of the failure becomes so low that packages do not FBTFS anymore. This hack is just an ugly but very needed workaround for a common manifestation of the bug in QProcess (patch 99_hppa_bug561203_decrease_failure_rate.diff). . [ Fathi Boudra ] * Remove upstream patches: - 0001_qpixmap_load_no_modify_referenced_copies.diff - stolen upstream - 0002_qmake_qfileinfo_absolutepath.diff - stolen upstream - 0003_s390_fix_atomic_ops_related_crashes.diff - stolen upstream - 0005_always_redraw_the_complete_control.diff - stolen upstream - 0006_expand_indicator_would_not_be_displayed.diff - stolen upstream * Remove Debian patches: - 97_alpha_ftbfs_qatomic_alpha_h_types.diff - merged upstream - 98_alpha_ftbfs_wtf_platform_support.diff - merged upstream * Refresh Debian patches: - 05_append_qt4_target.diff - 30_webkit_unaligned_access.diff . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.2-5) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Modestas Vainius ] * Update symbol files for armel, hppa and mips. * Add 98_alpha_ftbfs_wtf_platform_support.diff: support for alpha to QtScript copy of wtf/Platform.h. This change fix FTBFS on alpha. . [ Fathi Boudra ] * Add upstream patches: - 0004_problem_displaying_half_width_character.diff (#578604) QTBUG-1726 - Fixed problem displaying half width character as full width. - 0005_always_redraw_the_complete_control.diff (#578606) QTBUG-8807 - Always redraw the complete control when an input event comes in. - 0006_expand_indicator_would_not_be_displayed.diff QTBUG-7443 - Expand indicator would not be displayed after removal of a collapsed item's child. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.2-4) unstable; urgency=low ] . [ Modestas Vainius ] * Revert previous s390 specific change as it did not solve FTBFS. * Do not link webkit with -Wl,--gc-sections on s390. This should workaround FTBFS on s390 caused by internal linker error which is due to bugs when processing UString.o and some others (built with -ffunction-sections). Implemented in the 96_webkit_no_gc_sections.diff patch. * Steal patch from upstream 4.6 branch to fix s390 atomic ops related crashes. One of them made the package to FTBFS. Upstream commit: cdf4701f442149546043b155cddcc53116875f1c * Update symbol files for amd64, i386, ia64, kfreebsd-amd64, kfreebsd-i386, powerpc, s390, sparc. * Release to unstable (#571990). Finally! . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.2-3) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Sune Vuorela ] * Do not build webkit with debugging symbols on s390. These becomes too big and thus the build fails, as the linker can't handle more than a couple of GB large files, and debugging symbols on s390 are real large. This is a repetition of #528485 * Also add the GNU/kFreeBSD patch from 4:4.6.2-1 to the second JavaScriptCore copy (used for QtSCript) . [ Modestas Vainius ] * Clean target: limit application/x-executable lookup to executable files. This should speed up clean target a lot. * Add 97_alpha_ftbfs_qatomic_alpha_h_types.diff patch to fix FTBFS on alpha caused by invalid type conversions in qatomic_alpha.h. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.2-2) experimental; urgency=low ] . [ Fathi Boudra ] * Add upstream patches: - 0001_qpixmap_load_no_modify_referenced_copies.diff Fixed QPixmap::load() to not modify referenced copies. - 0002_qmake_qfileinfo_absolutepath.diff Fixed QFileInfo::absolutePath() warning when running "qmake -project" (#574043) * Fix FTBFS on sparc caused by a wrong platform_arg value: check for exact string match (instead of findstring usage). * Fix FTBFS on ia64: -m64 option isn't recognized by gcc. set platform_arg to linux-g++ on this architecture. * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt). * Fix some lintian warnings. * Add libqt4-phonon lintian overrides. * Update applications icons. . [ Pino Toscano ] * Make more use of the dpkg source 3.0 format: directly ship the binary files (PNG icons and qch) instead of uuencode them at install time. * Fix watch file to report only stable versions (ie non-tp and non-rc ones). . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.2-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release (#571990). - Fix a crash in QDBusPendingReply/QDBusReply in case of unconnected calls. (#560838) - Fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD due to lack of WTF_USE_JSVALUE64. (#565731) . [ Modestas Vainius ] * Change my email address to @debian.org one. * Restore binary compatibility with binaries built with g++-4.3 on armel (patch 92_armel_gcc43_valist_compat.diff). (#566259) * Add symbol files for Qt public libraries. They are based on the 4:4.5.3 version and upgraded to 4:4.6.1/4:4.6.2 on amd64/i386. * Bump build dependency of pkg-kde-tools to version 0.6.4 as it is needed to handle symbol files. * Build depend on libjpeg-dev rather than libjpeg62-dev. * Drop Phonon from Qt. Leave only libqt4-phonon package which sole purpose is to enable bootstraping of new arches. . [ Fathi Boudra ] * Add debian/patches/95_sparc_platform_definition.diff patch to fix build for 32-bit sparc machines. * Update debian/rules: - Use linux-g++-64 as platform_arg on required architectures (amd64, ia64 and sparc64). * Add 96_powerpc_no_gc_sections.diff: Don't pass -Wl,--gc-sections on powerpc when building libQtWebKit.so; works around a binutils bug that results in a segfault. Thanks to Steve Langasek. * Add 20_install_qvfb.diff: build Qt Virtual Framebuffer (qvfb) tool. * Add 51_kfreebsd_strnstr_build_fix.diff: Fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD caused by missing strnstr() on glibc systems. * Remove patches: - 19_install_qdoc3.diff - merged upstream. - 81_hurd_clock_gettime.diff - merged upstream. - 0289-context-for-shortcuts-tr.diff - rejected upstream. * Merge with Kubuntu: - add 21_qt_ia32_library_path.diff patch fix ia32 library path (e.g. skype application). * Update debian/control: - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed). - build-depend on firebird2.1-dev instead of firebird2.0-dev. (#564683) - extend architecture list for firebird2.1-dev. - build-depend on libxtst-dev to build qvfb. - conflict against qt-x11-free-dbg on libqt4-dbg (qvfb). - conflict against qt3-dev-tools-embedded on qt4-dev-tools (qvfb). * Update debian/qt4-dev-tools.install: add qvfb binary and the translations. * Update debian/rules: - add -qvfb configure option. - add -audio-backend option. - remove qm target call. It isn't needed anymore. - bump debhelper build dependency to version 7.4.13 to properly support dh options. - enable parallel build by passing --parallel option to dh. - remove Phonon development files. * Update debian/libphonon-dev.install: Include headers have been changed. The only official method for including Phonon headers is <phonon/ClassName> or <phonon/classname.h>. * Add a manpage for qdbus. Thanks to Andreas Marschke. (#568186) . [ Pino Toscano ] * Update debian/control: Don't build-depends on libasound2-dev for GNU/kFreeBSD and GNU/Hurd architectures. * Add 81_hurd_architecture.diff: recognize the proper architecture on GNU/Hurd. This will make Qt BIC there, but we can live with that. * Add 82_hurd_SA_SIGINFO.diff: fix FTBFS on GNU/Hurd causes by unconditional usage of SA_SIGINFO. * Adapt watch file to the new file names of the Qt/X11 tarballs. * Polish a bit qdbus manpage. * Add x-www-browser as alternative in qt4-doc-html's browser suggestion. * Suggest qt4-doc-html in qt4-dev-tools, as the latter contains assistant_adp which uses such HTML documentation. (#498701) * For now, remove the uic-qt4 manpage, which actually refers to Qt3's uic; a totally misleading manpage is worse than no manpage at all. (#464375) . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.0-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. . +++ Changes by Fathi Boudra: . * Add french translations. * Merge with Kubuntu: add libqt4-sql-tds plugin. . +++ Changes by Frederik Schwarzer: . * Fix typos in package descriptions. (#557397, #557396, #557374, #557375, #557376) . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.0~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. * Remove kde-qt patches: - 0288-more-x-keycodes - merged upstream. * Update debian/libqt4-dev.install: update installed files. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.6.0~beta1-1) experimental; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release. * Refresh qt-copy patches: 0180 and 209. * Remove qt-copy patches: 0255, 0274, 0280 and 0287. * Refresh Debian patches: 01, 05, 09, 11, 16, 18, 19, 30, 40, 41, 50 and 81. * Remove upstream patches: - 0078-Fix-regressions-in-qeventloop-qtimer-and-qsocketnoti - stolen upstream. * Remove Debian patches: - 14_add_libraries_to_gui_build_where_actually_needed - fixed upstream. * Add Debian patches: - 12_add_nostrip_for_debug_packages Set nostrip to generate debug packages. * Update debian/control: - Remove Brian Nelson from uploaders field. Thanks for his great work on Qt. - Drop cdbs build dependency. - Add libasound2-dev build dependency. - Add libqt4-multimedia package. * Update installed files and related lintian files. * Rewrite debian/rules, converted to dh usage. * Build with -no-separate-debug-info. Adjust debian/rules accordingly. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.5.3-4) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Add 08_configure_quilt_compat.diff patch. (#550127) quilt creates '.pc' directory. It breaks qmake projects search. * Update debian/rules: re-add -fast configure option. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.5.3-3) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Remove -fast configure option. Qt configure has -no-fast as default value and will generate Makefiles for all project files, including bootstrap. (#550127) . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.5.3-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . * Update debian/rules: cleanup make target usage by removing sub-src and sub-tools call. Fix a FTBFS on buildds caused by make target ordering. (#550127) . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low ] . * New upstream release: - Fix CVE-2009-2700 - QSSlCertificate incorrect verification of SSL certificate with NUL in subjectAltName. (#545793) - Fix a regresion in Qt 4.5.2 causing a broken clipboard with scim. (#544764, #546282) - Fix phonon wrong #include paths. (#537304) . +++ Changes by Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez: . * Switch from libreadline5-dev to libreadline-dev. . +++ Changes by Modestas Vainius: . * VCS changed to git, adjust Vcs-* field in debian/control accordingly. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3: no changes needed. * Document Git repository policy and packaging workflows in debian/README.source. . +++ Changes by Fathi Boudra: . * Add upstream patches: - 0078-Fix-regressions-in-qeventloop-qtimer-and-qsocketnoti.patch Fix regressions in qeventloop, qtimer, and qsocketnotifier autotests. * Add Debian patches: - 99_build_translations Fix translations build when sources comes from git. * Add qt-coy patches: - 0288-more-x-keycodes.diff Fill gap of X.org/XFree multimedia/special/launcher keys. Qt up to 4.5.x is missing whole setup of multimedia keys already defined by X. - 0289-context-for-shortcuts-tr.diff Some languages have special rules for using "+" to concatenate strings and for example it needs to be Ctrl + Shift instead of Ctrl+Shift, adding context to these strings helps creating a more correct translation - 0287-qmenu-respect-minwidth.diff If one sets a minimum width on a QMenu and that size is larger than the smallest size needed by the large menu item, it ignores the minimum width and just uses the largest menu item size. * Refresh and adjust patches. * Remove patches: - 0286-fix-error-string - Merged upstream. - 0287-attempt-to-fix-header-installation-for-phonon - Merged upstream. - 06_CVE-2009-1725 - Merged upstream. * Update debian/control: - Switch from iodbc to unixodbc. (#548976) * Update debian/copyright: - Update Nokia Qt url. - Update Nokia Qt LGPL Exception from version 1.0 to version 1.1. * Update *.install and *.lintian files. * Update debian/rules: - Build translations - Generate include directory before configure call. - Test file type on *.a cleaning. tests directory contains *.a in their names. - Make sure translations directory is created before calling lrelease. * Update debian/watch: - Update Nokia Qt url. . [ qt4-x11 (4:4.5.2-2) unstable; urgency=low ] . +++ Changes by Fathi Boudra: . * Add patch to fix CVE-2009-1725 (#538347): WebKit in Apple Safari before 4.0.2 does not properly handle numeric character references, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) via a crafted HTML document. . +++ Changes by Sune Vuorela: . * Add qt4-dev-tools to -demo recommends just like qt4-doc to make it possible to actually use the documentation from the demo application. (#536558) . +++ Changes by Modestas Vainius: . * Loosen requirements of the phonon metapackage in the libphonon4 symbols file. Too tight dependency causes unnecessary complications installing build dependencies on arches which lag behind on Qt4 builds. * Build depend on libmysqlclient-dev rather than libmysqlclient15-dev. Backports friendly as libmysqlclient-dev is a virtual package in lenny. * Likewise, make libqt4-dev suggest libmysqlclient-dev rather than libmysqlclient15-dev. . [ Frederik Schüler ] * Add libcanberra-gtk0, libcanberra0. Checksums-Sha1: b5f98563190dc9adb3822f513441e98a55b73e81 1275 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.dsc bd0226b320888311a4861865fe3acc04cfbf43bb 246754713 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.tar.gz 338f3b4979e4ae8f46754e8b94f68a9bcaabf6c8 14466792 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914_amd64.deb Checksums-Sha256: c3774bf2f3a7c03bd35f55f98480ba71283226838ddca2b1a8c89a6d8c7501c2 1275 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.dsc 2968d6f6ab86a8716b270ec922ca7718b31710024acbd30d94b23bdfa0b44c82 246754713 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.tar.gz 20085b2793a44adffba70b5691946a9fe33aebb8e5cc557f6112ba4460d1527f 14466792 ia32-libs-gtk_20100914_amd64.deb Files: 7409aa986a437790e4addde28617be5d 1275 libs optional ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.dsc 159153af2ac19a7b043856a6f8b415ca 246754713 libs optional ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.tar.gz fac24656f170d20568867d2756e74f6b 14466792 libs optional ia32-libs-gtk_20100914_amd64.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkyPnv8ACgkQ6n7So0GVSSBCFwCfcnYKXv9s2z4Vy6A1nXIjAnk5 4H8AoJEn5EGnq/usnSLqKdlOxc2KMUh6 =DT7B -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.dsc to main/i/ia32-libs-gtk/ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.dsc ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.tar.gz to main/i/ia32-libs-gtk/ia32-libs-gtk_20100914.tar.gz ia32-libs-gtk_20100914_amd64.deb to main/i/ia32-libs-gtk/ia32-libs-gtk_20100914_amd64.deb