-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:26:52 +0100 Source: glest Binary: glest Architecture: source i386 Version: 3.2.1-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org> Changed-By: Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <rainct@ubuntu.com> Description: glest - a free 3D real-time customizable strategy game Closes: 450770 505917 505919 Changes: glest (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low . [ Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals ] * New upstream version. - Repackage the tarball from .zip to .tar.gz. - The default resultion is now 640x480 (Closes: #450770). * debian/control: - Change my entry in the Uploaders field. - Add a Build-Depends on liblua5.1-dev, autoconf and automake. - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0. * debian/glest.install: - Adjust the origin path. * debian/glest.desktop: - Fix a typo in the Catalan description. * debian/patches/nomapeditor, debian/patches/do-not-link-unneeded-libs: - Update them to apply against the new source. * debian/patches/series, debian/patches/gcc-4.3-fixes: - Remove gcc-4.3-fixes, it has been adopted upstream. * debian/rules: - Update it to work with the changed directory structure. * debian/dirs: - Remove some unnecessary lines (we still need bin/games because the only file there is installed by debian/rules without using dh_install). * debian/copyright: - Update the copyright information and change the formatting of the file. - Change the download location to SourceForge. - Update the copyright to match the directory structure changes. * debian/docs: - Upstream's README files have no interesting content; remove it. * debian/patches/fix-glest-ini: - Change "english.lng" to just "english". * debian/glest.sh: - If there is an existing glest.ini file, change "<langname.lng>" to just "<langname>". Also, if the selected language isn't available anymore change it back to "english", in order to avoid the game refusing to start. - Replace the configuration file (glest.ini) with a new one if it is too old (setting are not preserved). - Create directory ~/.glest/screens for the screenshots (Closes: #505919). - Do not create a "docs" symlink amymore (LP: #226584). - Move configuration files from ~/.glest to ~/.config/glest. * debian/glest.6: - Update the manpage for Glest 3 (Closes: #505917). * debian/menu: - Change formatting to make the file more readable. * debian/glest.desktop: - Add a Spanish translation of the Comment. . [ Gonéri Le Bouder ] * French translation for the .desktop file. Checksums-Sha1: f2215749977c40c61bbb2539a96d306a54bf7662 1536 glest_3.2.1-1.dsc 183a230176ac4c108afc0271f292fba64e795ffa 373874 glest_3.2.1.orig.tar.gz e76ccb3c777b853048d42bf1be6b480e5775a210 16633 glest_3.2.1-1.diff.gz f7b4f737025af6e4c06dd30b95eb746c75ead4f9 438218 glest_3.2.1-1_i386.deb Checksums-Sha256: 4e42a82027abf757af445b0347a4bf5baa701a3689020b7d9eac474e4450bc95 1536 glest_3.2.1-1.dsc 9d29088fd0231fc6a1c250adfafb1ed0c47789c966aafbff885091f84e0526c1 373874 glest_3.2.1.orig.tar.gz 7f2e55d60730e46dcdf9ec52dafdb8b7a633284f9339539a3a4c24c050bf36bd 16633 glest_3.2.1-1.diff.gz 68251a41426447db5027704f8f54f32c5d4cbb01aa1fe0663be760d339a69159 438218 glest_3.2.1-1_i386.deb Files: 13f93aaa077a81dff42c9ece8bf487b6 1536 contrib/games optional glest_3.2.1-1.dsc 66cfc0e1b0360ada701f24f195aba602 373874 contrib/games optional glest_3.2.1.orig.tar.gz c8affd3a2a500a6dbb7be34d5f555ff8 16633 contrib/games optional glest_3.2.1-1.diff.gz 9bda6f6cc1d9cfa57396e25533af669f 438218 contrib/games optional glest_3.2.1-1_i386.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkm6/qUACgkQsKTFpDfZQSwkkwCfd1j3N4g2P9ACc6WCHx96uyKa 808AoIaPrvzueziSTFB8VJaOM0JPWyb1 =rsme -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: glest_3.2.1-1.diff.gz to pool/contrib/g/glest/glest_3.2.1-1.diff.gz glest_3.2.1-1.dsc to pool/contrib/g/glest/glest_3.2.1-1.dsc glest_3.2.1-1_i386.deb to pool/contrib/g/glest/glest_3.2.1-1_i386.deb glest_3.2.1.orig.tar.gz to pool/contrib/g/glest/glest_3.2.1.orig.tar.gz