-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 18:11:15 +0100 Source: mscore Binary: mscore mscore-common Architecture: source amd64 all Version: 0.9.5+dfsg-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Toby Smithe <tsmithe@ubuntu.com> Changed-By: Toby Smithe <tsmithe@ubuntu.com> Description: mscore - Full featured WYSIWYG score editor mscore-common - Full featured WYSIWYG score editor (common files) Closes: 516892 519142 524733 545053 552780 Changes: mscore (0.9.5+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream release (Closes: #545053, #552780) + Many bugfixes (Closes: #519142) + Greater stability + Better translations . * debian/control + complies with Standards-Version 3.8.3 + drop old Build-Dependency on pdftk + drop dependency on external libfluidsynth, as mscore requires capabilities that have diverged, and that are only tenable in this distribution + add libsndfile1-dev to Build-Depends to support audio export. + add chrpath to Build-Depends. + add desktop-file-utils to Depends to support mime type. + require Qt 4.5 + X-Vcs-Bzr replaced with Vcs-Bzr; Vcs-Browser added. . * debian/patches: + drop 01-use-global-fluidsynth: <http://n2.nabble.com/forum/Permalink.jtp?root=3050336&post=3054888> + 09-disable-building-qtscript.dpatch: enable static building of QtScript + 13-fix-arm-qreal-ftbfs.dpatch. Closes: #516892 + add 14-enable-portaudio-by-default.dpatch to enhance audio reliability. + drop 15-add-mime-to-desktop-file.dpatch, owing to upstream inclusion. . * debian/copyright: + add information pertaining to mscore/singleapp. + add information about OOoMuseScore and portmidi. + add notice about BeautifulSoup. + (C) replaced with ©. . * Register MimeType, icon and default application handler. + debian/patches/15-add-mime-to-desktop-file.dpatch + debian/mscore.sharedmimeinfo + debian/mscore.mime + debian/mscore.links + debian/mscore.postinst + debian/mscore.prerm + debian/mscore.postrm + debian/control + debian/rules . * Write infrastructure for PDF manuals installation. - add code to debian/rules to get manual source on orig tarball creation then rebuild the manuals from the downloaded source; (applies to get-orig-source and update-to-svn; requires python-pisa) - explain in README.Debian for clarity. - This is disabled until pisa is in the archive. . * debian/rules: Remove rpath from mscore.real binary with chrpath. . * debian/mscore.sh + Fix pgrep exit value check. Closes: #524733 + Add check for recent PulseAudio to decide whether or not to suspend. . * Add debian/README.source Checksums-Sha1: 7fb6246ba2d55eee8027bf0dc6e8b269d60266e4 1334 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.dsc 87bd979aac3812e12874a006c663b7c33436045d 10275320 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz cb91a43d2ba7c542271e81cd630bebcd784198d3 15556 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.diff.gz 8504aa54a6636fc0162d3548717799c4dee72917 6691916 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1_amd64.deb a248e51d6446d94ef93a338c721beaa4b07d3d1b 1533104 mscore-common_0.9.5+dfsg-1_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: 91f30aeb9924c8a22f8593ae09c30580eaf9b113141293cf12661033265d852e 1334 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.dsc 02ff9d945756ad55e21eebcbccd368cac204678bf8140d408fdc2b24660d1d39 10275320 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz 62ac18793c0c42be89fd8e1f78883a30fe8411adeac254ba8b8891dbc842a62d 15556 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.diff.gz 5a877d17ed49f0337ee2befd917004b997078da00ae74278a356ae4991eec88f 6691916 mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1_amd64.deb 07c9423e3c4763b010c7334f4bf168ba1a590009ac39eb8113462146bcf2013b 1533104 mscore-common_0.9.5+dfsg-1_all.deb Files: b65e08521a59e5d2f16a1782fcaa6c41 1334 sound optional mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.dsc 5188bd8f28eee59353c271409c1f4d19 10275320 sound optional mscore_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz c3829e579cebc27771c4f14a6109d856 15556 sound optional mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.diff.gz 0cd710eb021eddbe1e74d27cf6ade8a1 6691916 sound optional mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1_amd64.deb 5bef07d0838dd7eac98c8ebfc7a0df1e 1533104 sound optional mscore-common_0.9.5+dfsg-1_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAksapvkACgkQ3UXUABXir9Z8UQCfYom7hYGJFwhSWiO9we242CtG aJMAn3lyMX/r7aFAT3XVH0vMy8yKRUWi =II9Q -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: mscore-common_0.9.5+dfsg-1_all.deb to main/m/mscore/mscore-common_0.9.5+dfsg-1_all.deb mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.diff.gz to main/m/mscore/mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.diff.gz mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.dsc to main/m/mscore/mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1.dsc mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1_amd64.deb to main/m/mscore/mscore_0.9.5+dfsg-1_amd64.deb mscore_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz to main/m/mscore/mscore_0.9.5+dfsg.orig.tar.gz